Новости ревит 2024

С выходом нового 2024 Revit было связано много ожиданий, изменения в инструменте работы с рельефом требовались давно.

Нововведения в Revit 2023 для конструкторов

One great thing about this for Enscape users is that slabs and walls must be cut from the toposolid. This means that there will never be grass inside the building coming through a floor slab or coming through a sidewalk again in Enscape. There are also opportunities to sweep profiles along the surface to create curbs, for example. Here is an in-place mass with a sloped edge. The old building pad option only resulted in vertical edges. Here is an in-place mass creating a tunnel within the toposolid. This was not possible in previous versions of Revit. Cut geometry enhancement With the advent of the toposolid feature, there have been enhancements to what kind of elements can be used to cut other elements. Because the toposolid is a solid, Revit does not know that other elements should automatically cut it.

If you have foundation walls going below grade, for example, you now must use the Cut tool and select the wall and the toposolid to get the correct graphic results in a section. Link coordination model Revit can now link a large number of file formats stored in BIM 360 via a linked Coordination Model. These models are represented within Revit as lightweight geometry and can be easily navigated. Sub-elements can be selected, and their properties are listed in the Properties palette. If you were paying close attention just now, you might have connected the dots that a Revit model can be linked in as a lightweight model. This might be helpful with specific consultant models. Here is the big news, with this new feature, not only can you link in a Revit model, but you can link different versions of Revit models!

A drop-down list for selecting a Type when creating or editing a Toposolid Toposolids are Type-based elements. See your contour lines as you work — Improving site design precision and accuracy, you can now view contour lines as you make changes to your surface. Smart extrapolation — And one more.

This is a real game-changer when designing sites with irregular shapes and boundaries. For more details about the Topography Tools for Toposolid read this post. We also added the option to customize your Assembly Tag family while editing the parameter settings. You can add specific elements or Assemblies to a Planting Region, and you can use the command to update existing Planting Regions. You can use this parameter, for example, to tag the Planting Region, just as you would an Assembly. The Planting Region command provides additional flexibility by allowing you to select, within the command, which Views the Region will appear in.

Используйте новый визуальный стиль текстур, чтобы применить текстуру материалов для визуализации без эффектов освещения. При создании схемы или вида, на которых требуется показать текстуру материала без эффекта освещения или визуализации, используйте визуальный стиль текстур. В визуальном стиле текстур к элементам модели применяются характеристики представления материалов без эффектов освещения. Текстура отображается с одинаковым значением на всех поверхностях модели. Диалоговое окно «Альбомы цветов»! Назначение цветов с использованием альбомов сторонних разработчиков или пользовательских альбомов цветов. Выберите цвет из доступных альбомов цветов для использования в диалоговом окне «Цвет» ОС Windows. Модернизация пользовательского интерфейса! Более 2000 значков были заменены новыми модернизированными версиями. Благодаря этим изменениям была улучшена видимость контекстных вкладок и панели параметров в темной и светлой темах. Проигрыватель Dynamo! Просмотр проблем и зависимостей графиков, добавление выводов изображений, а также ознакомление с новыми образцами графиков в проигрывателе Dynamo для Revit 2024. Реализованы следующие улучшения. Новое средство просмотра проблем позволяет изучать проблемы с графиками, включая ошибки и предупреждения, в проигрывателе Dynamo. Доступ к средству просмотра проблем можно получить из нижнего колонтитула проигрывателя после запуска графика, если имеется хотя бы одна ошибка или предупреждение, или из меню «Параметры». Зависимости каждого графика можно проверить в проигрывателе с помощью нового диалогового окна «Зависимости графика». Это диалоговое окно позволяет быстро определить, какие пакеты, внешние файлы или другие зависимости требуются для корректной работы графика, что позволяет выявить отсутствующие зависимости и установить их в Dynamo. Доступны два новых образца графиков: «Случайное размещение экземпляра семейства» и «Предупреждения — изоляция элементов». Изображения доступны в качестве выходных данных в проигрывателе Dynamo. При внесении изменений и повторном запуске графика изображение обновляется. Можно сохранить изображение из проигрывателя, щелкнув его правой кнопкой мыши. Траектория солнца на видах в перспективе! Теперь операции редактирования путем перетаскивания доступны на виде в перспективе. При работе с видами в перспективе можно перетаскивать солнце вдоль его траектории Изменение размера всех строк в спецификациях, размещенных на листах! Теперь для четкого представления компонентов, таких как текст, изображения и графические данные, можно изменить размер всех строк спецификации, размещенной на листе. Для этого на палитре свойств «Графика спецификации» задайте значение «Все» для параметра «Изменить размер строк» и введите требуемое значение для параметра «Высота строки». Теперь высоту строк в спецификациях можно будет легко настроить по ГОСТ высотой 8 мм. Размещение нескольких видов и спецификаций!

Revit 2024 offers pre-configured default templates to kickstart your projects instantly: Common Settings: These templates come equipped with frequently used settings, saving you time on configuration. Essential Families: Pre-loaded families for walls, doors, windows, and other elements eliminate the need for manual insertion. This long-awaited feature brings several benefits: Enhanced Clarity: Track and manage changes across your drawings with visual representation in schedules. Improved Communication: Ensure all stakeholders are aware of revisions through clear documentation. Sleek Dark Theme: Work in Style and Comfort Say goodbye to eye strain and embrace the sleek aesthetics of the new dark theme in Revit 2024. This modern interface offers: Reduced Eye Strain: Work comfortably in low-light conditions with a dark background that minimizes eye fatigue. Improved Focus: Minimize visual distractions and enhance your focus on the design details and model elements. Dynamo 2. Improved Package Management: Easily discover, install, and manage Dynamo packages for enhanced functionality. Revit 2024 lets you apply revisions to multiple sheets simultaneously, saving you time and effort on large projects. This feature is especially helpful for: Consistent Revisions: Ensure all relevant sheets reflect the same changes instantly. Reduced Errors: Minimize the risk of missing revisions on individual sheets. The redesigned interface features: Cleaner Layout: Enjoy a streamlined and organized view of elements within your project. Enhanced Search: Find elements quickly and easily with improved search functionality.

Revit 2025: Новинки общие и архитектурные

Read about the new updates for Revit 2024 that addresses 25 quality issues improving functionality and stability. Revit 2024 features new site tools, modernized user interface, and other enhancements requested from the community. Well, Autodesk Revit 2024 is already here. And while 2023 certainly is not "old & busted," 2024 is already making waves in the community for some of the cool, new features is has to show. When starting Revit 2024, you'll immediately notice the extensive selection of sample projects available, more than in previous versions. Explore nine of the new features in Revit 2024 in this overview by Revit expert, Dan Stine. Autodesk Revit 2024, the latest version, has just been released with a range of nice new features and improvements.

Discover What's New in Autodesk Revit 2024.2: Enhancements, Integration, and Features Update

Autodesk Revit 2024, самая популярная программа для проектирования зданий и сооружений, вышла со множеством новых функций и улучшений. всё как вы любите↓↓↓ СОДЕРЖАНИЕ: ↓↓↓00:00 Начало обзора1:20 Изменение стартового эк. Autodesk Revit 2024 — это мощный инструмент для проектирования и создания строительной документации. Autodesk Revit 2024 представляет собой отдельное приложение, которое поддерживает рабочий процесс BIM от разработки концепции до строительства.

Нововведения в Revit 2023 для конструкторов

Revit 2024 lets you apply revisions to multiple sheets simultaneously, saving you time and effort on large projects. This feature is especially helpful for: Consistent Revisions: Ensure all relevant sheets reflect the same changes instantly. Reduced Errors: Minimize the risk of missing revisions on individual sheets. The redesigned interface features: Cleaner Layout: Enjoy a streamlined and organized view of elements within your project. Enhanced Search: Find elements quickly and easily with improved search functionality. Height in Scope Box: Precision Made Easy Setting element heights just got a whole lot faster and more precise with the new height parameter in the scope box. This handy feature lets you: Direct Input: Enter specific heights for elements directly within the scope box. Visual Feedback: See the height update in real-time as you adjust the parameter. Modern Fonts: Read text clearly and comfortably with the new font choices. Revit 2024 lets you adjust the height of schedule rows for: Improved Readability: Make schedule data easily readable and understandable. Focused Analysis: Zoom in on specific details within your schedules for enhanced analysis.

Revit 2024 allows you to place multiple views on a sheet simultaneously, saving you valuable time and effort. This feature is ideal for: Layout Planning: Quickly arrange multiple views on a sheet for efficient organization. Consistent Spacing: Ensure consistent spacing between views with automatic placement options.

This might be helpful with specific consultant models.

Here is the big news, with this new feature … not only can you link in a Revit model, but you can link different versions of Revit models! For example, your Revit 2024 model can link in a Revit 2022 model without needing to upgrade the 2022 model. This is a brave new world. Figure 3.

However, until now, the local location was not editable. If you have a laptop, for example, with a smaller SSD C: drive, and a larger D: drive, there was no way to point the local BIM 360 storage to the more spacious D: drive. This could easily cause the C: drive to fill up if you worked on several BIM 360 projects or just one mega project. Thanks, Autodesk.

Figure 4. New cloud model cache location option in the Options dialog. Templates and Sample Projects Two things that almost always stay the same in a Revit upgrade are templates and sample projects. This year, we lose some sample projects and gain a new template and sample project.

New Imperial Template There is a new multi-discipline template. Previously there were only discipline-specific and systems i. Due to the settings and loaded families required by specific commands and workflows, some tools in Revit would not work correctly depending on which template you started from. With the new all-discipline template, this problem can be avoided.

Figure 5. The new imperial template supporting all disciplines. New Sample Model There is a new robust set of sample models which can be used to explore Revit features and model organization. It includes seven linked models and contains phasing and design options.

There is even a point cloud file that can be downloaded separately. One slight downside related to this is that the old sample models are no longer included. So, while this new sample model is a great new resource for those learning Revit, I will miss the easy access to the lightweight residential sample model to open quickly for troubleshooting. Of course, the older versions of these files can still be downloaded per this post I wrote on my blog: Templates and Families Not Installed.

Figure 6. The new sample project has seven linked models. Figure 7. Platform There are several new features in Revit 2024 that are not discipline specific.

User Interface The user interface has a number of changes. Most of the icons have been refreshed in support of a new dark theme option. The project browser is also completely updated and now includes a search option at the top. Figure 8.

Most icons have been refreshed and the project browser is completely updated. Dark Theme Revit 2024 now has a more legitimate dark theme feature. This new feature can be set to follow the operating system setting. When first used, the canvas area is also set to a dark theme.

This can be adjusted back to a light color while still in the dark theme if desired. Figure 9. The new dark theme for the UI and palettes. Figure 10.

The option to adjust the canvas color in dark theme mode. Revit Macro Security Macros are now disabled by default for enhanced security, as shown in the Revit Options dialog below. Any individual or company can change these by deployment or manually if desired. Figure 11.

Macros are disabled by default in Revit 2024. Resize All Schedule Rows When a schedule on a sheet is selected, there are now a few options in the Properties Palette to control the row height and rotation on the sheet.

To strengthen this workflow, we have some new tools to help with the definition of the analytical model. We can now create curved panels. The curved panel is then created. When defining the analytical model, previously you would need to manually associate this to its physical counterpart, but we now have a new assisted option. This is, of course, much more efficient and will eliminate mistakes.

The physical or analytical model can both be used to build the counterpart automatically. For example, if the engineer has started to build the analysis model in Revit, the technician can then use Dynamo Player to create the physical model based on the analytical model properties. Analytical Loads The loads in previous releases were split into two groups, we had hosted loads and non-hosted loads which could be point, line or area loads. The non hosted loads would not update and would have needed to be recreated when the analytical model updated. Also, point loads were exceedingly difficult to place in precise locations and had to be done in plan views with workplanes. The new loads in Revit 2024 are now simpler and are always hosted. Each load type has distinct options to assist when placing the load onto the analytical element.

For example, the below image shows a point load being placed, and you can place this on an end point or pick a position along the element. When working with loads, the scale can now be controlled via the Structural Settings dialog box. Here you can set the minimum and maximum load value and set the actual length of the arrows. This is useful to visually check load magnitude. The loads can now also be controlled with view filters which enables parametric floor loading plans, something that many users have been doing with filled regions! So, here are the updates and changes for Revit 2024! In summary, I like the platform changes and the continued effort to make working with sheets, revisions and views easier.

I also like the new workflow with analytical modelling, I am sure that many more engineers will now be able to use Revit earlier in the design process to generate design options. This can then be used by the technicians to develop the model and move into detailed design. Share this:.

Проекты, созданные не в текущей версии Revit, будут отображаться в состоянии «Отключено». Эту функцию можно включить или отключить. Чтобы включить ее, в диалоговом окне «Параметры» «Облачная модель» «Видимость проекта» установите флажок «Показывать проекты во всех версиях Revit на главной странице». Можно выполнять поиск по проектам во всех версиях в рамках хабов и отображать их на странице результатов поиска. Сортировка параметров по буквам и цифрам! Параметры проекта можно сортировать по буквам и цифрам на палитре свойств и в диалоговом окне «Свойства типа». Функция «Добавить линию границы зоны» в редакторе группы моделей! Для изменения границ зон в редакторе группы моделей появился инструмент «Добавить линию границы зоны». Выберите вкладку «Архитектура»панель «Помещения и зоны»раскрывающийся список «Зона» Линия границы зоны и нарисуйте границу с помощью инструментов на панели «Рисование». Выберите границу зоны. Перейдите на вкладку «Архитектура»панель «Модель»раскрывающийся список «Группа модели» Создать группу. В диалоговом окне «Создать группу модели» укажите имя группы, установите флажок «Открыть в редакторе групп» и нажмите «ОК». В редакторе групп нажмите Добавить. Выберите вкладку «Архитектура»панель «Помещения и зоны»раскрывающийся список «Зона» Линия границы зоны , нарисуйте границу с помощью инструментов на панели «Рисование» и используйте инструмент «Линия» на панели «Рисование», чтобы изменить границу зоны. В редакторе групп нажмите Готово. Сохранение настройки разделителя свойств типа! Ширина столбца, заданная в диалоговом окне «Свойства типа», сохраняется для каждого компьютера. При создании аналога используется корректный инструмент рисования! При нажатии кнопки «Создать аналог» из галереи рисования запускается корректный инструмент. Ранее при выборе дуги, эллипса или сплайна функция «Создать аналог» выделяла неверный инструмент в галерее рисования. Команду «Создать аналог» можно использовать для следующих элементов. Линии линия модели, линия детализации, опорные линии, разделение помещений и пространств, граница нагрузки на основе зоны в анализе электросистем. Стены Несущий каркас балки. Сохранение видов при изменении варианта конструкции! В диалоговом окне «Удаление связанных с элементом видов» флажки для видов сняты по умолчанию, и можно установить флажки только для тех видов, которые требуется удалить. Ранее некоторые типы видов, например чертежные виды или спецификации, созданные в удаляемом варианте конструкции, отмечались для удаления и выбор нельзя было отменить. Хотите научиться работать в Revit? Подписывайте на рассылку о бесплатных Revit-видеоуроках!

Что нового в Revit 2024.1.1

You can link directly to views from Autodesk Docs without downloading the file to a local resource. Views linked from Autodesk Docs use permissions from the Autodesk Docs account to manage access, making it easier to use the collaboration workflow when IP protection is important. Snap Points for Coordination Models Use snap points to easily model in context, to measure between two references based on the coordination model points, or to better position the coordination model. To set alignment options for free form rebar sets, use the in-canvas toggle or, in the Properties palette for the structural rebar, use the Bar Alignment parameter.

The all-new Planting Region.

Enhancements to our most loved tools. Environment for Revit 11. Consequently, until now, our workflows have centered around draping Floors over Toposurfaces Shape by Topography , allowing for better, more efficient design and automation. In Revit 2024, with the introduction of the Toposolid , Autodesk has addressed this inconsistency and also given its site tools a significant, much-needed makeover.

However, there are still quite a few gaps, some more substantial than others. Environment 11. This parameter allows you to obtain accurate quantities for each Toposolid instance that requires Cut and Fill takeoff. Once you have these quantities, you can create a detailed earthwork schedule.

Эту функцию можно включить или отключить. Чтобы включить ее, в диалоговом окне «Параметры» «Облачная модель» «Видимость проекта» установите флажок «Показывать проекты во всех версиях Revit на главной странице». Можно выполнять поиск по проектам во всех версиях в рамках хабов и отображать их на странице результатов поиска. Сортировка параметров по буквам и цифрам! Параметры проекта можно сортировать по буквам и цифрам на палитре свойств и в диалоговом окне «Свойства типа».

Функция «Добавить линию границы зоны» в редакторе группы моделей! Для изменения границ зон в редакторе группы моделей появился инструмент «Добавить линию границы зоны». Выберите вкладку «Архитектура»панель «Помещения и зоны»раскрывающийся список «Зона» Линия границы зоны и нарисуйте границу с помощью инструментов на панели «Рисование». Выберите границу зоны. Перейдите на вкладку «Архитектура»панель «Модель»раскрывающийся список «Группа модели» Создать группу.

В диалоговом окне «Создать группу модели» укажите имя группы, установите флажок «Открыть в редакторе групп» и нажмите «ОК». В редакторе групп нажмите Добавить. Выберите вкладку «Архитектура»панель «Помещения и зоны»раскрывающийся список «Зона» Линия границы зоны , нарисуйте границу с помощью инструментов на панели «Рисование» и используйте инструмент «Линия» на панели «Рисование», чтобы изменить границу зоны. В редакторе групп нажмите Готово. Сохранение настройки разделителя свойств типа!

Ширина столбца, заданная в диалоговом окне «Свойства типа», сохраняется для каждого компьютера. При создании аналога используется корректный инструмент рисования! При нажатии кнопки «Создать аналог» из галереи рисования запускается корректный инструмент. Ранее при выборе дуги, эллипса или сплайна функция «Создать аналог» выделяла неверный инструмент в галерее рисования. Команду «Создать аналог» можно использовать для следующих элементов.

Линии линия модели, линия детализации, опорные линии, разделение помещений и пространств, граница нагрузки на основе зоны в анализе электросистем. Стены Несущий каркас балки. Сохранение видов при изменении варианта конструкции! В диалоговом окне «Удаление связанных с элементом видов» флажки для видов сняты по умолчанию, и можно установить флажки только для тех видов, которые требуется удалить. Ранее некоторые типы видов, например чертежные виды или спецификации, созданные в удаляемом варианте конструкции, отмечались для удаления и выбор нельзя было отменить.

Хотите научиться работать в Revit? Подписывайте на рассылку о бесплатных Revit-видеоуроках! Достаточно подписаться ОДИН раз на любой из страниц architect-mos.

This way, you can easily see each revision in your project and make modifications, or directly edit the schedule fields if necessary. Link Coordination Models Visually cross-check between models of various disciplines and phases of a project. In 3D views, visually compare collaboration models created in Revit or other modeling tools for coordination purposes. You can link directly to views from Autodesk Docs without downloading the file to a local resource.

Revit 2024 – What’s New

What's New in Autodesk Revit 2024 Autodesk Revit 2024 — программа для проектирования и строительства зданий и сооружений. Autodesk Revit основан на технологии информационного моделирования сооружений и.
What's New in Revit 2024 TopographySurface and SiteSubRegion elements have been superseded as of Revit 2024 by a new element (lid) and related classes.
REVIT 2024 – ОБЗОР НОВИНОК Here are the latest updates about what's new in Revit 2024 from the architects at BIMsmith.
Autodesk уходит из России: чем это грозит - Hi-Tech Главная Каталог Лицензионное ПО AutodeskAutodesk Revit 2024 для Windows лицензионный ключ активации.

Toposolids: Revolutionizing Site Modeling

  • Toposolids: Revolutionizing Site Modeling
  • Feature Highlights
  • What's new in Revit 2024 | Revit Tips #19 - ArchSupply

Revit 2024 – Best New Features

Нововведения в Revit 2023 для конструкторов - ИНФАРС Усовершенствованная производительность Autodesk Revit 2024 внесла значительные улучшения в производительность, что позволит пользователям работать более эффективно.
Revit 2024 Upgrades Site Design, Environment for Revit® 11.0 Takes it Skyward | Arch-Intelligence Explore the newest features in Revit 2024, including site tools, upgrades to the project browser, and more.
Прекращение действия лицензий Autodesk — Ревит с нами Revit 2024 features new site tools, modernized user interface, and other enhancements requested from the community.
Autodesk Revit 2024 Release | Article | cadpilot In Revit 2024, the add-in has been updated to reveal the full geometry of elements which are within the visible portion of the cropped view when the sectioning tool is disabled.

Revit 2024 – Best New Features

Add points at specific heights to create the slopes. The points contextual menu is a bit different from the standard floors and roofs you are used to. This new menu has actually been available since Revit 2023. When adding a point, you can either pick Along Surface or Absolute Height. This tool now works with concave site shapes. Again, the new toposolid tool is similar to floors. You can modify the structure with materials of various thicknesses. That means you can create fun site elements such as lakes without using floors. When selecting a toposurface, use Generate Toposolid to convert to the new tool. To be safe, you can keep it in the archives. There are a few quirks here.

When generating a toposolid, building pads are ignored completely. Also, subregions will be converted into subdivisions. In Revit 2024: Subregions has been replaced by Sub-Divide. The base idea is the same: draw boundaries over the toposolid. Similarly to sub-regions, you can extend the boundaries beyond the limit of the toposolid without receiving a warning. Sub-Divisions are placed on top of the toposolid. You can then pick a material and set a thickness in the instance properties. Sub-Division have a thickness instance parameter. There is another parameter called Inherit Contours.

Multiple views can now be moved to other sheets either by selecting the views or simply dragging and dropping from the project browser. Revision clouds can now be scheduled which, again, has been a long-standing request from users. The revision schedule can be created in a similar way to any other schedule. However, we now can schedule fields from the Revision, Sheet, View and the Project Information which is useful when issuing sheets. Structural Updates As in the previous release, the focus remains on the workflows and toolsets with the analytical modeling process. Also, we see some strengthening of the reinforcement tools with the addition of bending details and alignment control when using freeform rebar. I will also look at the update from Revit 2023. Loads have been overhauled and the older non hosted loads have been replaced with parametric, intelligent Point, Line and Area loads. These new tools are easier to use and increase accuracy and predictability when creating loads in Revit. Reinforcement Let us begin with the new features and updates with reinforcement. I will begin with the Bending Details which will be especially useful for non-standard rebar shapes. Here in the UK United Kingdom we only tend to detail non-standard shapes and only show these details in the bending schedule, but I know that other countries have a requirement for bending details on all rebar. Bending Details are created as true vector geometry and, as such, will update and change automatically if the host rebar is amended. Bending details can be placed in views by selecting the reinforcement bar and then selecting the Bending Detail command from the context ribbon. The detail can then be placed in a free location, or you can use the Align to Bar command to keep the detail orthogonal. The Bending Detail is driven by standard Revit Type properties and, as such, you can have multiple types that you can use in different situations. The Bending Details also make use of Revit dimension styles so you will need to setup a couple of dimension styles to support the Bending Detail tools. You can also configure the amount of detail that is displayed within the bending detail. For example, you could simply show the segment length dimensions or recover all the dimensions and angles for each segment as well as hooks and linear dimensions. There are also a few options around the unfolding or offsetting of Bending Details. When you have shapes such as links that overlap it could be confusing when showing lengths and angles of the hooks. These 3 configurations are shown in the image below using a standard link. Currently, the Bending Details cannot be tagged but I am sure that Autodesk will add this functionality in future releases.

These improvements make designing and building easier and more efficient, ensuring your projects are a success. Toposolids: Revolutionizing Site Modeling Revit 2024 takes site modeling to a new level by introducing toposolids. This powerful upgrade overcomes the limitations of toposurfaces with solid geometry, providing: More Flexibility: Easily create, modify, and cut toposolids to work with complex terrain and site features. Improved Accuracy: Achieve precise model representations by using solid geometry, eliminating uncertainties present in toposurfaces. Site Tools Revamp: Smoother Workflow, Greater Control Revamped site tools make manipulating terrain and manipulating site features in Revit 2024 a breeze: Reorganized Tabs: The massing and site tabs are streamlined for intuitive navigation, enhancing your workflow. Powerful New Tools: Create toposolids directly from existing toposurfaces, subdivide them for finer control, and even add voids within them for realistic excavation representation. Inspiring Sample Model: Learn from the Best Dive into best practices and discover the latest Revit 2024 features with the meticulously crafted sample model. This comprehensive resource showcases: Cutting-edge workflows: Learn how to utilize the newest features and tools effectively. Detailed model elements: Analyze intricate design elements and construction details for deeper understanding. Revit 2024 offers pre-configured default templates to kickstart your projects instantly: Common Settings: These templates come equipped with frequently used settings, saving you time on configuration. Essential Families: Pre-loaded families for walls, doors, windows, and other elements eliminate the need for manual insertion. This long-awaited feature brings several benefits: Enhanced Clarity: Track and manage changes across your drawings with visual representation in schedules. Improved Communication: Ensure all stakeholders are aware of revisions through clear documentation. Sleek Dark Theme: Work in Style and Comfort Say goodbye to eye strain and embrace the sleek aesthetics of the new dark theme in Revit 2024.

Autodesk прекращает поддержку российских лицензий, и у многих уже стали появляться окошки «Используемая лицензия Revit недействительна». Причем коснулось это даже «народных» версий. Подумаем, как с этим жить. Обойти ограничение несложно, даже не потребуются какие-то спец инструменты. Для начала надо запретить службе AdskLicensing выход в интернет. Для этого воспользуемся стандартной функцией Брандмауэра Windows.

Revit-2024: что нового для инженеров

Autodesk Revit 2024 отлично подходит для личного использования или бизнеса вне зависимости от выбранного типа устройства. Скачивайте только оригинальный дистрибутив Autodesk Revit 2024 на нашем сайте, чтобы быть уверенным в надежности и безопасности работы вашего устройства. Статья автора «Блог Вадима Муратова» в Дзене: 4 апреля для загрузки стал доступен Ревит 2024. TopographySurface and SiteSubRegion elements have been superseded as of Revit 2024 by a new element (lid) and related classes. The second video will focus solely on the structural changes and new features both in Revit 2023.2 and Revit 2024. В Revit 2024 на борту новая версия Dynamo + обновленный Dynamo Player.

Autodesk Revit 2024 Release

Sheet, Revision and View updates Building on the updates from the previous releases, Autodesk are making working with sheets a little easier. In Revit 2024 we can now move views between sheets and keep alignments and positions. The best feature is being able to add a revision to multiple sheets. Multiple views can now be moved to other sheets either by selecting the views or simply dragging and dropping from the project browser. Revision clouds can now be scheduled which, again, has been a long-standing request from users. The revision schedule can be created in a similar way to any other schedule. However, we now can schedule fields from the Revision, Sheet, View and the Project Information which is useful when issuing sheets. Structural Updates As in the previous release, the focus remains on the workflows and toolsets with the analytical modeling process. Also, we see some strengthening of the reinforcement tools with the addition of bending details and alignment control when using freeform rebar. I will also look at the update from Revit 2023.

Loads have been overhauled and the older non hosted loads have been replaced with parametric, intelligent Point, Line and Area loads. These new tools are easier to use and increase accuracy and predictability when creating loads in Revit. Reinforcement Let us begin with the new features and updates with reinforcement. I will begin with the Bending Details which will be especially useful for non-standard rebar shapes. Here in the UK United Kingdom we only tend to detail non-standard shapes and only show these details in the bending schedule, but I know that other countries have a requirement for bending details on all rebar. Bending Details are created as true vector geometry and, as such, will update and change automatically if the host rebar is amended. Bending details can be placed in views by selecting the reinforcement bar and then selecting the Bending Detail command from the context ribbon. The detail can then be placed in a free location, or you can use the Align to Bar command to keep the detail orthogonal. The Bending Detail is driven by standard Revit Type properties and, as such, you can have multiple types that you can use in different situations.

The Bending Details also make use of Revit dimension styles so you will need to setup a couple of dimension styles to support the Bending Detail tools. You can also configure the amount of detail that is displayed within the bending detail. For example, you could simply show the segment length dimensions or recover all the dimensions and angles for each segment as well as hooks and linear dimensions. There are also a few options around the unfolding or offsetting of Bending Details.

In version 11. Last but not least, we improved the performance of importing CAD attributes any of them into the corresponding, newly created Revit families, making it easier yet to move all relevant information into Revit. However, as we got to know the new Toposolid well, it dawned on us that we could use the SBT tool to drape and embed Floors as pathways upon and within Toposolids. In V11.

Oh, almost forgot. No more confusing pink walls in edit mode. Sometimes, the standard is better? Say goodbye to complicated and time-consuming adjustments, and hello to a more efficient and enjoyable workflow. The updated interface, complete with all the familiar tools plus new Toposolid-specific features, makes it even easier to incorporate the new site category into your designs.

Это важное обновление для всех пользователей Revit 2024 все версии , и мы рекомендуем всем, кто использует версию 2024, выполнить обновление до этой версии как можно скорее. Чего можно ожидать от этого обновления? Ну, во-первых, это обновление устраняет проблему расширяемой схемы хранения, затрагивающую надстройки и проекты, обновленные для Revit 2024. Это обновление особенно важно для пользователей совместной работы, поскольку все члены проектной группы используют эту версию Revit или более позднюю версию. Чтобы избежать возможности повторного появления этой проблемы в более старых версиях Revit 2024 в модели проектных групп.

Это обновление также содержит несколько других исправлений и улучшений производительности.

Revit 2024 organizes your project parameters alphabetically, making them easier than ever to find: Quick Access: Locate the parameter you need instantly with the alphabetical order. Improved Efficiency: Minimize time spent searching for specific parameters, boosting your workflow. This handy tool lets you: Align Perfectly: Move elements horizontally or vertically based on the sheet grid or axes for precise positioning. Streamlined Workflow: Eliminate tedious manual alignment and ensure consistent element placement. Revit 2024 allows you to resize dialog boxes for comfortable viewing and interaction. This feature is ideal for: Improved Accessibility: Work comfortably regardless of screen size or resolution. Better Readability: View dialog content clearly and without eye strain. This streamlined workflow lets you: Combine Align and Pattern Tools: Align elements and apply patterns simultaneously for increased efficiency.

Reduced Steps: Eliminate the need to switch between tools for a smoother workflow. Collaboration Cache Path Control: Manage Your Storage Optimize your storage management with the ability to choose the location of the collaboration cache folder in Revit 2024. This feature lets you: Allocate Resources: Direct the cache to a specific drive or location for better storage management. Performance Optimization: Improve performance by placing the cache on a faster drive. Experience seamless collaboration, precise modeling, and enhanced efficiency. Contact us here for a smarter, more integrated approach to construction and design.

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