Вышел новый Revit 2025, и я тут же установил его, чтоб потыкать палочкой и посмотреть на ответную реакцию.
В этом уроке мы познакомим вас с последними обновлениями и функциями Revit 2024. Revit, со слов Ручьева, занимает более 50% рынка в сфере архитектурного моделирования и проектирования. Revit 2024 features new site tools, modernized user interface, and other enhancements requested from the community. Well, Autodesk Revit 2024 is already here. And while 2023 certainly is not "old & busted," 2024 is already making waves in the community for some of the cool, new features is has to show.
Autodesk Revit 2024: Революция в 3D-моделировании
I can now use voids or floors to cut site models, which makes it much easier to create section views and have lots of printable details in place. This is a great addition that eliminates the need to use floors or other workarounds to create site elements. This view style allows you to view materials with textures without the performance hit of the Realistic view. The Textures view style is ideal for creating presentation-ready views that showcase your design intent and material choices. Shaded visual style. Textures visual style. I find it very helpful to be able to create high quality images of my model without having to spend too much time or resources. This is a simple but handy feature that can save you time and clicks when creating sheets. Drag and drop the selection to a sheet.
Sheets are automatically arranged in a grid layout based on their size. This feature is very useful when working with other teams or consultants using different versions of Revit. This feature eliminates the need to use third-party tools or workarounds to link models from different versions, reducing the risk of data loss or corruption when upgrading models to newer versions.
The nice thing is that the drawing area can be controlled separately. This is a really nice feature for those that like dark theme in the UX but still want the white background in the drawing area. You will find that some property boxes will still be in Light Theme.
Autodesk will likely get to all of these properties boxes in future, but this is certainly a great start. This new visual style is in between Consistent Colors and Realistic. If there is no image applied to the material, the Texture visual style will simply use the RGB color on the graphics tab. Add Multiple Views and Schedules You have always been able to drag one view from Project Browser to a Sheet, but now Revit has added the ability to do multiple at a time. Once you have all the views selected, you can drag them into the sheet. You can also do this from the View tab by selecting the View icon, which will open a window that will also allow you to select multiple views at a time.
But, overall this is a really nice feature and a time saver. Resize All Schedule Rows We always like seeing schedule updates in new Revit releases and this one is a nice one. Revit has added the ability to resize all rows in a schedule. This is going to be nice to quickly adjust the height of the rows all at once. One thing we did notice when we first turned on the feature for All rows is that it took the height of the smallest row in the schedule. In our case, it looked like nothing happened as the rows with larger heights were still the same size as before.
A Color Book is a library or book of premade colors that can be quickly added to your material. The new button has replaced the Pantone button on the Color window, but the nice thing is they added all the Pantone colors as Color Books so you will not lose anything. The one thing we do hope they add soon is a search bar in the Color Books window.
This more interactive feature, highlighting entries as you order, is handy for large projects with numerous views, sheets, schedules, and families in the project browser. These color books resemble the AutoCAD versions, incorporating RAL and Pantone color books, and offer the flexibility to craft personalized color books. This customization feature empowers users to establish a palette of custom colors tailored for specific applications like room color fills and filled region colors.
This style falls between Consistent Colors and Realism. This makes it a lighter option than Realistic, allowing you to showcase materials with their respective images. This feature makes it much easier to keep track of revisions made throughout the project and which sheet they have been applied to. The revision cloud schedule can include fields not only from the clouds but also from the revisions, sheets, and views, thereby streamlining the management of sheets and revisions throughout the project. The ability to edit the fields directly in the schedule will also speed up the workflow. This was mainly because it needed more options and capabilities in other system families.
However, with the release of Revit 2024, a new feature called Toposolids, which harnesses all the capabilities of a system family, has been introduced.
Reinforcement Let us begin with the new features and updates with reinforcement. I will begin with the Bending Details which will be especially useful for non-standard rebar shapes.
Here in the UK United Kingdom we only tend to detail non-standard shapes and only show these details in the bending schedule, but I know that other countries have a requirement for bending details on all rebar. Bending Details are created as true vector geometry and, as such, will update and change automatically if the host rebar is amended. Bending details can be placed in views by selecting the reinforcement bar and then selecting the Bending Detail command from the context ribbon.
The detail can then be placed in a free location, or you can use the Align to Bar command to keep the detail orthogonal. The Bending Detail is driven by standard Revit Type properties and, as such, you can have multiple types that you can use in different situations. The Bending Details also make use of Revit dimension styles so you will need to setup a couple of dimension styles to support the Bending Detail tools.
You can also configure the amount of detail that is displayed within the bending detail. For example, you could simply show the segment length dimensions or recover all the dimensions and angles for each segment as well as hooks and linear dimensions. There are also a few options around the unfolding or offsetting of Bending Details.
When you have shapes such as links that overlap it could be confusing when showing lengths and angles of the hooks. These 3 configurations are shown in the image below using a standard link. Currently, the Bending Details cannot be tagged but I am sure that Autodesk will add this functionality in future releases.
The bending details could also become a solution for certain detailing conventions such as tick and tag in sectional views and the display of bars in plan. Bending Details in Schedules The Bending Details can also be used in schedules which is especially useful for non-standard shape codes. It is worth noting that you will only see the shape once the schedule is placed onto a sheet.
Again, in many other regions and countries, shape codes are always shown in the schedule regardless. In the example below, Bending Details are shown in the bending schedule with the new auto size option for rows with images. In the above image, the segment names are displayed to reduce the amount of space required but you can also configure the Bending Details specifically for use within schedules.
Here in the UK, it would only be necessary to show the bending sketch for non-standard shapes so it would be useful to see a feature where you could control which shape codes use the new Bending Detail and display on the schedule. Again, this is the first iteration, and I am sure we will see other additions to this new feature in future releases. We will now look at a feature that was released in Revit 2023.
Нововведения в Revit 2023 для конструкторов
Autodesk officially released Autodesk Revit 2024 and the relatedfamily of Autodesk Building Solutions 2024 products. In conclusion, Revit 2024 brings a host of exciting new features and enhancements that improve usability, enhance visual representation, and streamline workflows. Autodesk Revit 2024 представляет собой отдельное приложение, которое поддерживает рабочий процесс BIM от разработки концепции до строительства. Fresh from the Factory, Revit 2024 is rolling out globally! The second video will focus solely on the structural changes and new features both in Revit 2023.2 and Revit 2024. Главная» Новости» Ревит 2024 что нового.
Обзор Revit 2024. Что нового в Autodesk Revit
Explore nine of the new features in Revit 2024 in this overview by Revit expert, Dan Stine. Вышел новый Revit 2025, и я тут же установил его, чтоб потыкать палочкой и посмотреть на ответную реакцию. TopographySurface and SiteSubRegion elements have been superseded as of Revit 2024 by a new element (lid) and related classes. Revit 2024.2 marks a significant step towards seamless interoperability by including native support for STEP file import, removing the need for previous workarounds. Autodesk Revit 2024» Autodesk Revit 2024 представляет собой отдельное приложение, которое поддерживает рабочий процесс BIM от разработки концепции до строительства. Autodesk Revit 2024 расширяет возможности проектирования и документирования, функциональной совместимости и передачи данных, а также аналитических данных и анализа.
Нововведения в Revit 2023 для конструкторов
Revit 2024 lets you apply revisions to multiple sheets simultaneously, saving you time and effort on large projects. This feature is especially helpful for: Consistent Revisions: Ensure all relevant sheets reflect the same changes instantly. Reduced Errors: Minimize the risk of missing revisions on individual sheets. The redesigned interface features: Cleaner Layout: Enjoy a streamlined and organized view of elements within your project. Enhanced Search: Find elements quickly and easily with improved search functionality. Height in Scope Box: Precision Made Easy Setting element heights just got a whole lot faster and more precise with the new height parameter in the scope box. This handy feature lets you: Direct Input: Enter specific heights for elements directly within the scope box. Visual Feedback: See the height update in real-time as you adjust the parameter.
Modern Fonts: Read text clearly and comfortably with the new font choices. Revit 2024 lets you adjust the height of schedule rows for: Improved Readability: Make schedule data easily readable and understandable. Focused Analysis: Zoom in on specific details within your schedules for enhanced analysis. Revit 2024 allows you to place multiple views on a sheet simultaneously, saving you valuable time and effort. This feature is ideal for: Layout Planning: Quickly arrange multiple views on a sheet for efficient organization. Consistent Spacing: Ensure consistent spacing between views with automatic placement options.
С помощью спецификаций пометочных облаков можно быстро управлять параметрами пометочного облака. Создавайте спецификации пометочных облаков для более эффективного просмотра и управления всеми пометочными облаками в проекте, а также чтобы узнать, к какому виду или листу они относятся. Так вы сможете легко просмотреть каждую правку в проекте и внести изменения или при необходимости отредактировать поля спецификации напрямую.
Insight: предварительная версия! Предварительная версия Insight позволяет архитекторам получать аналитические сведения о влиянии воплощенного углеродного следа с самого начала работы над проектом. В отличие от закрытой бета-версии, данная предварительная версия доступна всем. Благодаря этому любой желающий может начать пользоваться этим решением на ранних стадиях его существования и в будущем знакомиться с новыми функциями, которые мы будем постоянно добавлять. Для доступа к предварительной версии Insight необходимо установить надстройку «Аналитика по углероду» в Revit через приложение Autodesk Access или учетную запись на портале Autodesk Account. Визуальный стиль текстур! Используйте новый визуальный стиль текстур, чтобы применить текстуру материалов для визуализации без эффектов освещения. При создании схемы или вида, на которых требуется показать текстуру материала без эффекта освещения или визуализации, используйте визуальный стиль текстур. В визуальном стиле текстур к элементам модели применяются характеристики представления материалов без эффектов освещения.
Текстура отображается с одинаковым значением на всех поверхностях модели. Диалоговое окно «Альбомы цветов»! Назначение цветов с использованием альбомов сторонних разработчиков или пользовательских альбомов цветов. Выберите цвет из доступных альбомов цветов для использования в диалоговом окне «Цвет» ОС Windows. Модернизация пользовательского интерфейса! Более 2000 значков были заменены новыми модернизированными версиями. Благодаря этим изменениям была улучшена видимость контекстных вкладок и панели параметров в темной и светлой темах. Проигрыватель Dynamo! Просмотр проблем и зависимостей графиков, добавление выводов изображений, а также ознакомление с новыми образцами графиков в проигрывателе Dynamo для Revit 2024.
Реализованы следующие улучшения. Новое средство просмотра проблем позволяет изучать проблемы с графиками, включая ошибки и предупреждения, в проигрывателе Dynamo. Доступ к средству просмотра проблем можно получить из нижнего колонтитула проигрывателя после запуска графика, если имеется хотя бы одна ошибка или предупреждение, или из меню «Параметры». Зависимости каждого графика можно проверить в проигрывателе с помощью нового диалогового окна «Зависимости графика». Это диалоговое окно позволяет быстро определить, какие пакеты, внешние файлы или другие зависимости требуются для корректной работы графика, что позволяет выявить отсутствующие зависимости и установить их в Dynamo. Доступны два новых образца графиков: «Случайное размещение экземпляра семейства» и «Предупреждения — изоляция элементов». Изображения доступны в качестве выходных данных в проигрывателе Dynamo.
The Project Browser is modernized and the Search bar is added. Resizable dialogs. Dialog windows can be resized. Project parameters are sorted alphabetically. You can add prefix to the parameter name to sort it as you want. In Revit 2023, the project parameters are sorted chronologically. Improved visualization Improved integration with Twinmotion. Auto Sync with Twinmotion provides a live link between Revit and Twinmotion. New visual style: Textures. This visual style displays material textures consistently, without lighting effects. Using this visual style you can easily test textures prior to rendering. These two commands, from the right-click menu, are related to views. They were introduced in Revit 2023. Drag multiple views to sheet. Place multiple views, legends and schedules on a sheet at once. The views will be placed in a grid format. Improved schedules. The row height is no more determined by the font size or by width of the image column. Now the font height is the minimal value instead of fixed value. Schedule revision clouds. Ability to create schedule that contains revision clouds provides a suitable way to track issues in your project. You can use Comments, Mark, and Revision parameters alongside with other groups of parameters that you can select in the upper drop-down menu of the Schedule Properties dialog. Apply revisions to multiple sheets.
Of course, you can also use this in plans, sections and elevation views for presentations. The models can be used for in-context modelling and have rudimentary snapping via the Revit point snap function. In the example below you can see that I have linked a bridge pier across from Autodesk Docs that was authored in Autodesk Inventor. This is a great way of integrating models from many other BIM and manufacturing authoring tools. Topography updates Toposurfaces have now been discontinued in this release and the new toposolid tool is now the preferred method to create topography. There have been several improvements with the introduction of toposolids such as the ability to cut the toposolids and also incorporate thickened layers to create raised solid regions. These can be used to represent basic landscaping and roads. In the example below, a toposolid has been excavated around concrete foundations by cutting the family from the solid. If required, the excavated volume can then be displayed. The second example shows a retaining wall. The toposolid can be cut vertically on the back face of the wall which makes editing the toposolid very simple. If desired, cut and fill can also be calculated with a toposurface by using graded regions. Sheet, Revision and View updates Building on the updates from the previous releases, Autodesk are making working with sheets a little easier. In Revit 2024 we can now move views between sheets and keep alignments and positions. The best feature is being able to add a revision to multiple sheets. Multiple views can now be moved to other sheets either by selecting the views or simply dragging and dropping from the project browser. Revision clouds can now be scheduled which, again, has been a long-standing request from users. The revision schedule can be created in a similar way to any other schedule. However, we now can schedule fields from the Revision, Sheet, View and the Project Information which is useful when issuing sheets. Structural Updates As in the previous release, the focus remains on the workflows and toolsets with the analytical modeling process. Also, we see some strengthening of the reinforcement tools with the addition of bending details and alignment control when using freeform rebar. I will also look at the update from Revit 2023. Loads have been overhauled and the older non hosted loads have been replaced with parametric, intelligent Point, Line and Area loads.
Обзор Revit 2024. Что нового в Autodesk Revit
Вы можете использовать инструменты сайта для: Собирайте и рационализируйте данные о существующих условиях из импортированных САПР, точечных файлов CSV и многого другого. Свободно и легко моделируйте свой дизайнерский замысел с помощью универсальных инструментов для моделирования топографии сайта и массинга. Заполняйте графики, таблицы и виды и рассчитывайте количество материалов. Вырезайте, заливайте, соединяйте и запускайте сценарии поэтапного выполнения. Используйте механизм преобразования проекта в документацию Revit, чтобы сэкономить время и повысить качество проектирования при моделировании ландшафта и условий на стройплощадке. Экономьте время на детализации бетона.
Revit 2024 не исключение и привносит ряд значительных улучшений по сравнению с предыдущей версией 2023: Улучшенная работа с данными: Revit 2024 обеспечивает более плавное управление данными и интеграцию, позволяя пользователям легко обмениваться информацией и синхронизировать проекты. Расширенные возможности визуализации: Новые инструменты для визуализации и рендеринга делают процесс создания реалистичных изображений более доступным и эффективным. Оптимизация рабочего процесса: Автоматизированные функции и улучшенный пользовательский интерфейс значительно упрощают рабочий процесс, позволяя сосредоточиться на творчестве и дизайне. Что делает Revit 2024 лучше, чем 2023 Одним из ключевых аспектов, отличающих Autodesk Revit 2024 от предыдущей версии 2023, является его расширенный функционал, нацеленный на повышение эффективности и точности проектирования. Вот некоторые из заметных улучшений и нововведений: Повышенная точность моделирования: Revit 2024 внедряет усовершенствованные алгоритмы для создания более точных и детализированных 3D-моделей, что критически важно для сложных архитектурных проектов.
Use the design-to-documentation engine of Revit to save time and improve design quality when modeling landscape and site conditions. Save time in concrete detailing. Structural engineers and rebar detailers have new capabilities for creating, scheduling, and documenting rebar. Use the new bar bending details to: Create reinforcement drawings and schedules with detailed fabrication instructions. With this new tool in Revit, when the model changes, the details adapt along with it. Add and customize rebar bending details so that your views and sheets respect your typical practice.
Also, subregions will be converted into subdivisions. In Revit 2024: Subregions has been replaced by Sub-Divide. The base idea is the same: draw boundaries over the toposolid. Similarly to sub-regions, you can extend the boundaries beyond the limit of the toposolid without receiving a warning. Sub-Divisions are placed on top of the toposolid. You can then pick a material and set a thickness in the instance properties. Sub-Division have a thickness instance parameter. There is another parameter called Inherit Contours. It allows you to decide if you want to see the contours on the subdivision or not. In Revit 2024: Building pads are gone. Instead, Autodesk recommends using the Massing tool to create void geometry. These tools are more complex and potentially more confusing than building pads, but they allow you to create more complex shapes. In this example, we create a void shape for a parking driveway. You could also use the model in-place tool, but uh... Overall, this is probably for the best... In Revit 2024: Each toposolid type can have different kinds of topography contours. In the type properties of a toposolid, you need to click on Contour Display. You can decide to have a toposolid type with lots of contours. However, the contours are not visible when editing the points. And maybe you want a water toposolid without any contours.
Feature Highlights
В Revit 2023 в настройке фильтров спецификаций добавилась опция фильтрации данных для элементов, которые расположены на листе со спецификацией. Revit 2024 has several non-architectural product enhancements that are listed below. Another feature introduced in Revit 2024 is a true dark theme, in the past only the view background could be set as dark, now Revit options has a true dark theme profile. Вышел новый Revit 2025, и я тут же установил его, чтоб потыкать палочкой и посмотреть на ответную реакцию.
Revit 2024 – Best New Features
But not really, because the dark theme does not cover the secondary menus yet. Hopefully this will be fixed in one of the next hotfixes for this release. I find that the new icons and the dark mode make the interface a lot clearer and easier to use. The TopoSolid tool allows you to create site elements that have depth and thickness, unlike the TopoSurface tool, which only created flat surfaces. The TopoSolid tool works similarly to the floor tool.
You first sketch an extrusion boundary with magenta lines, then you can modify the sub-elements by adding points at specific heights to create slopes. There are six site solids to choose from in the type selector. I added a floor, slab edges, and then a section box , which allowed me to create the detailed view below. Nothing overlapped, YES!
You can also change the structure and material of TopoSolids, allowing you to create more complex site elements such as lakes, hills, roads, and more. I can now use voids or floors to cut site models, which makes it much easier to create section views and have lots of printable details in place. This is a great addition that eliminates the need to use floors or other workarounds to create site elements.
Site tools Looking at the massing and site tab below, you will notice a lot has changed. The site tools represent the most significant change in Revit 2024 for architects, which is both exciting and a little scary! We now have a toposolid command rather than a toposurface. As the name change implies, the ground is now represented by solid geometry rather than a 2D surface. This is the exciting part. Missing from the ribbon below is the building pad command, which is the scary part — I will explain this in the next section. Figure 24.
Comparing Revit 2024 site tools to previous versions. Toposolid Replaces Toposurface Although the toposurface and building pads are no longer available, they are preserved when a model is updated to Revit 2024. Those elements can be modified and copied. You just cannot create new instances as the commands are gone. Figure 25 shows a toposurface and building pad after an initial model upgrade. Figure 25. Example of a pre-Revit 2024 toposurface and building pad. To convert a toposurface, select it and follow the steps shown in Figure 26. Step 2 involves selecting a toposurface family type that can have several surface characteristics preset. Figure 26.
The steps to upgrade a toposurface to a toposolid. The toposurface is not deleted as this would delete the building pads which need to be recreated manually. Since there is no building pad tool, Autodesk recommends that an in-place mass set to cut the toposolid be created, as shown in Figure 27. This provides a lot more options, like tunnels and sloped edges. The biggest challenge is that the workflow is not as intuitive for the average Revit user, in my opinion. Figure 27. The suggested replacement for the building pad tool is an in-place mass void. Sub-regions are automatically converted to sub-divisions. Figure 28 shows the various type settings for this new element. Notice two things.
First, the toposolid is fundamentally based on the floor element. Second, the contour settings are now set per object type rather than globally. Figure 28. Toposolid properties. Knowing that the element is essentially an enhanced floor element, note that apply materials is a little odd. Then I had to paint a grass material on the surface. The tricky part with painting is that the surface is made up of several facets and required several picks to paint the entire surface. Toposolid — Creation Workflow A toposolid is created similar to a floor element. You start by sketching the perimeter of the ground to be defined and then finish the creation mode. Next, you select the toposurface and use the Add Points option on the ribbon, adjusting the offset value also on the ribbon.
Roads and walkways are created using the Sub-Divide tool found on the ribbon when a toposolid is selected. This is similar to the sub-region tool where an enclosed area is defined within the larger toposolid perimeter. The result is a solid extrusion which conforms to the ground and can be adjusted vertically. However, the sub-divide height cannot be negative. The last image in this section shows how a mass void can create a tunnel in the toposolid. This was not possible with a toposurface. When a CAD file is available, a toposolid can be generated from it as in the past. Figure 29. Creating a toposolid. Figure 30.
Reduce errors and omissions in your document sets. Evolve work together. Link Coordination Model from Autodesk Docs into Revit makes it easier for project teams to sync and coordinate design deliverables. Keep project files light and teams on the same page. Underlay the coordination model as visual reference when designing in Revit. Reduce the need for interpretation when coordinating up-to-date design deliverables with partners and project teams.
Reduce errors and omissions in your document sets. Evolve work together. Link Coordination Model from Autodesk Docs into Revit makes it easier for project teams to sync and coordinate design deliverables. Keep project files light and teams on the same page. Underlay the coordination model as visual reference when designing in Revit. Reduce the need for interpretation when coordinating up-to-date design deliverables with partners and project teams.