Речь Гитлера текст. Выступление Гитлера на немецком.
Цитаты Гитлера на немецком
Telegram: Contact @ntsp2 | The first shots of the invasion had been fired at around 4:48 am of September 1, by the battleship Schleswig-Holstein. At 5:40 am Hitler issued a declaration to the armed forces: "The Polish state has refused the peaceful settlement of relations which I desired, and appealed to arms In order to put an. |
Adolph Hitler SPEECH OF OCTOBER 6, 1939 | СТАЛИН СЛУШАЕТ РЕЧЬ ГИТЛЕРА Мельников рассказывал в 1965 году в Переделкино.9 ноября 1941 года в день очередной годовщины мюнхенского пивного путча немецкое радио передавало речь Гитлера. |
Речь Гитлера на съезде НСДАП 1934 | Главная» Новости» Выступление гитлера на немецком кричит. |
Цитаты Гитлера на немецком с переводом на русский | Выступление Гитлера на немецком. Речь гитлера текст. |
Речь гитлера на немецком языке текст
(русский текст внизу) Russland hat eine Rede Adolf Hitlers freigegeben, nota bene mit russischen Untertiteln versehen. Die Botschaft an die Machthaber weltweit und an die "Elite" in Amerika kann deutlicher nicht sein: Was AH damals sagte, es trifft exakt auf heute zu. Es mag traurig sein, es ist wahr. Главная» Новости» Выступление гитлера на немецком кричит. Последние добавленные тексты песен. Adolf Hitler, Erklärung der Reichsregierung vor dem Deutschen Reichstag, 1. September 1939 (оригинал речи на немецком.
"Why We Are Antisemites" - Text of Adolf Hitler's 1920 speech at the Hofbräuhaus
Reichstag Speech, May 21, 1935. "We recognize, with the understanding and the heartfelt friendship of true Nationalists, the Polish State as the home of a great, nationally-conscious people." "The German Reich and, in particular, the present German Government, have no other wish than to live on friendly. Речь гитлера Речи гитлера на немецком с переводом. Еще в 1936 г. Черчилль заявил, по словам американского генерала Вуда, перед комитетом Палаты представителей США, что Германия снова становится слишком сильной и поэтому ее нужно уничтожить. скачать mp3, слушать музыку онлайн Речь гитлера текст на немецком с переводом Скачать песню Речь – Гитлера на телефон (рингтон на звонок), либо слушать mp3 в.
Полный текст заявления Гитлера от 22 июня 1941 года
At 5:40 am Hitler issued a declaration to the armed forces: "The Polish state has refused the peaceful settlement of relations which I desired, and appealed to arms... In order to put an end to this lunacy I have no other choice than to meet force with force from now on. But only a handful of people showed up, and the Berliners were largely apathetic, even grim, and showed no enthusiasm for the war. In my talks with Polish statesmen I discussed the ideas which you recognize from my last speech to the Reichstag...
These proposals have been refused. Not only were they answered first with mobilization, but with increased terror and pressure against our German compatriots... Poland was not prepared to settle the Corridor question in a reasonable way...
I made one more final effort to accept a proposal for mediation... For two whole days I sat with my Government and waited to see whether it was convenient for the Polish Government to send a plenipotentiary or not...
В комнате остаться Кейтелю, Йодлю, Кребсу и Бургдорфу.
Das war ein Befehl! Der Angriff Steiner war ein Befehl! Это был приказ!
Наступление Штейнера было приказом!
I have also left no doubt that, if the nations of Europe are again to be regarded as mere shares to be bought and sold by those international money and finance conspirators, then that race, Jewry, which is the real guilty party in this murderous struggle, will be saddled with the responsibility. I also made it clear that this time, not only would millions of children of European Aryan races starve, not only would millions of grown men meet their death, and not only would millions of women and children be burned or bombed to death in the cities, but that the real culprit would atone for his guilt, even if by more humane means. The most fearsome example of this kind is Russia where he Jewry allowed 39 million humans in truly fanatical wildness to die or starve in inhuman agony, in order to secure the mastery of a great people for a gang of Jewish literati and stock exchange bandits. The result is not only the end of freedom for the people oppressed by the Jews, but rather also the end of these parasites of the peoples themselves. After the death of the victim, the vampire dies sooner or later. Mein Kampf, 1925, Volume 1, p.
Was there any excrement, any shamelessness in any form, above all in cultural life, in which at least one Jew would not have been involved? As soon as one even carefully cut into such an abscess, one found, like maggots in a decaying body, often blinded by the sudden light, a kike.
Reichstag Speech, May 21, 1935.
I should like them to realise that it is unreasonable to try and bring these historical realities into opposition with the demands of their vital interests and to their understandable claims to live. I would therefore like the German people to understand the inner motives of National Socialist foreign policy, which finds it painful that the outlet to the sea of a people of 35 millions is situated on territory formerly belonging to the Reich, but which recognises that it is unreasonable and impossible to deny a State of such a size as this any outlet to the sea at all. I merely recall our agreement with Poland, which has worked out to the advantage of both sides ….
And to my own fellow-citizens I would say that the Polish nation and the Polish State have also become a reality …. The peoples of these States i. This good work, which had been doubted by so many at the time, has meanwhile stood the test, and I may say that, since the League of Nations finally gave up its perpetual attempts to unsettle Danzig and appointed in the new commissioner a man of great personal attainments, this most dangerous spot from the point of view of European peace has entirely lost its menacing character.
The Polish State respects the national conditions in this State, and both the city of Danzig and Germany respect Polish rights. And so the way to a friendly understanding has been successfully paved, an understanding which, starting from Danzig, has to-day succeeded in spite of the attempts of certain mischief-makers in finally taking the poison out of the relations between Germany and Poland and transforming them into a sincere, friendly co-operation. There was a danger that Poles and Germans would regard each other as hereditary enemies.
I wanted to prevent this. I know well enough that I should not have been successful if Poland had had a democratic Constitution. For these democracies which indulge in phrases about peace are the most bloodthirsty war agitators.
In Poland there ruled no democracy, but a man; and with him I succeeded, in precisely twelve months, in coming to an agreement which, for ten years in the first instance, entirely removed the danger of a conflict. We are all convinced that this agreement will bring lasting pacification. We realise that here are two peoples which must live together and neither of which can do away with the other.
A people of 33 millions will always strive for an outlet to the sea. A way for understanding, then, had to be found; it has been found; and it will be ever further extended.
Обращение Адольфа Гитлера к германскому народу 22 июня 1941
The peoples of these States i. This good work, which had been doubted by so many at the time, has meanwhile stood the test, and I may say that, since the League of Nations finally gave up its perpetual attempts to unsettle Danzig and appointed in the new commissioner a man of great personal attainments, this most dangerous spot from the point of view of European peace has entirely lost its menacing character. The Polish State respects the national conditions in this State, and both the city of Danzig and Germany respect Polish rights. And so the way to a friendly understanding has been successfully paved, an understanding which, starting from Danzig, has to-day succeeded in spite of the attempts of certain mischief-makers in finally taking the poison out of the relations between Germany and Poland and transforming them into a sincere, friendly co-operation. There was a danger that Poles and Germans would regard each other as hereditary enemies. I wanted to prevent this. I know well enough that I should not have been successful if Poland had had a democratic Constitution. For these democracies which indulge in phrases about peace are the most bloodthirsty war agitators. In Poland there ruled no democracy, but a man; and with him I succeeded, in precisely twelve months, in coming to an agreement which, for ten years in the first instance, entirely removed the danger of a conflict.
We are all convinced that this agreement will bring lasting pacification. We realise that here are two peoples which must live together and neither of which can do away with the other. A people of 33 millions will always strive for an outlet to the sea. A way for understanding, then, had to be found; it has been found; and it will be ever further extended. Certainly things were hard in this area. The nationalities and small national groups frequently quarrelled among themselves. But the main fact is that the two Governments, and all reasonable and clear-sighted persons among the two peoples and in the two countries, possess the firm will and determination to improve their relations. It was a real work of peace, of more worth than all the chattering in the League of Nations Palace at Geneva.
There can scarcely be any difference of opinion to-day among the true friends of peace with regard to the value of this agreement.
Deutschland ist Paradebeispiel. Damit ist Schluss. Lasse dich nicht beeindrucken davon, dass es derzeit bedrohlich kracht. Ha, da mache ich nicht mit.
Ha, ich will konstruktiv wirken, nicht als Idiot im Hamsterrad. Ich sende meinen Dank an Adolf Hitler und an das deutsche Volk. Millionen Deutsche haben damals einen Kampf aufgenommen, der damals noch nicht zu gewinnen war. Sie haben Breschen geschlagen.
They do not perceive that the German workingman has worked more than ever before; why should he not then recover? Is it not above all a joke when that man from the White House says: "We have a World Program and this World Program will give mankind freedom and the right to labor. Roosevelt, open your eyes, we have had that in Germany for a long time already. Or when he says that care will be taken of illness. Go and look at the battle-cry of our party program that is National Socialistic, not its doctrine, my dear sir, those are high ideas like those of a Democrat.
Or when he says: "We wish to raise the standard of prosperity, even for the masses. Those are prominent things in our program. For we have also done that without a war. You have a war! No, this capitalistic babble does not even think of doing such a thing. They see in us only the bad example, and in order to tempt their own people, they must meddle in our party program and there snatch out single sentences, these pitiful blunders, and even then they do it badly. We have had a united world against us here, naturally, not only from the right but also from the left, as those on the left say to us, "If that succeeds; this experiment, it actually creates, it brings it about, that it does away with homelessness. It makes it ready and establishes a school system whereby every talented youngster, irrespective of what kind of position. He completes it and makes a lawyer out of a former farm worker.
He completed it. Why, we live by the fact that that does not exist. We do live by that. War, then, against this National Socialism. We have now been at the helm for nine years. This struggle will render the verdict, if this Russia is compared with Germany. What have we created in nine years, what is the aspect of the German people, and what has been created there? I do not even want to talk about the capitalist states, they are not at all concerned about their unemployed for that reason? To the American millionaire the unemployed person is something natural, something he does not have to see at all, since he does not go to the neighborhoods where they are, and they do not come to the neighborhood where he sits; they under-took a hunger march on Washington, to be sure, to the White House or to the Capitol, but they are dispersed somewhere by the police before they can do it with rubber truncheons and tear gas, and so on, all of them things which do not exist in autocratic Germany.
We have not used these measures against our people at all, we manage without rubber truncheons and without these things, without tear gas. We are resolute in our renunciation of them, while in the case of the enemy it is understood that at the moment of taking power they increased it... You know them already from my fighting period. I travel with three countries, their... Every attempt to come to an understanding with England was altogether to no purpose. Here there were people... They saw in Germany an enemy, and that the world had changed essentially since the time of their great Queen Victoria, that people did not know at all that Germany never threatened England but that this England could be maintained only when she had found a close cooperation with Europe. This they did not realize. On the contrary, they fought on every occasion against Europe.
It is quite interesting as they themselves, when a man, who is really a man, arrives, he is thrown out immediately? These are unbreakable eggs. Wherever they step they remain somewhere again, among enemies. On the whole they have been in the cold too long. They have already spoken of the breaking up of the German Reich by next September, and with the help of this advance prophesy, and we say that the war will not end as the Jews imagine it will, namely, with the uprooting of the Aryans, but the result of this war will be the complete annihilation of the Jews. And the further this war spreads, the farther will spread this fight against the world of the... I was more fortunate with the second state, with which I found some relationship. That is actually no wonder. However, it would be a real wonder, if it were otherwise.
Because, already-as I said today in a... A hundred years ago, Germany fought its way to a renaissance as a state, and its independence as a state, and Italy was fighting for its national united... Then these two states separated, and both nations fought without success and then came the... Both Revolutions had about the same course; each one had severe setbacks, but finally won the fight. Both nations brought about... Both nations concerned people who could not find their daily bread on their own soil. Both nations found themselves one day standing opposite the same people, without wanting to, against the same international union, as already had occurred in 1935, when England suddenly turned against Italy, without any sort of preliminary warning; Italy had taken nothing from England, therefore it was for the reason that: "We do not wish Italy to have its free right to life," just as it was, with Germany, for the reason that: "We do not wish Germany to have its free right to life. What do we want from England? I offered each of them peace, more, I want to offer friendship.
On the other side an old freemason, who only believes in a war, to be able to salvage his bankrupt economy, perhaps, or at least to gain time. Thus both states again stand face to face with the same foe... And then, in addition, there is still a third thing-I have mentioned it today also: in both cases they are men, two men, who have come from the people... In the last few weeks... I have read about the history of the Italian Fascist Revolution, and it seemed to me as if I had the history of my own party before me, so similar, so identical, that... And now finally the third state has joined us, another state with which we have always wanted to have good relations for the past many years. You all know it from "Mein Kampf"-Japan. Now the three great Have-Nots are united, and now we shall see who... For, what does England want to gain?
What does America want to gain? What do they want to gain? They have so much that they do not know what to do with what they have. A few persons per square kilometer need much more for all the cares which we are not the ones to have. A single poor harvest means for our national decades plundered, exploited, crushed, and in spite of that they could not eliminate their own economic need. They have raw materials, as much as they are willing to use, and they do not complete it, with their problems actually to found something reasonable in society, to the one who has everything and the one who wants to take from the other fellow who has hardly anything practically the last thing he owns, or to the one who defends that which he honors as his last possession. Pray to God that he must send Bolshevism over Europe as a scourge. We wish only to say, "It will not come over Germany but whether it will come over England is another story. We have never done anything to England, France, we have never done anything to America.
Nevertheless there follows now in the year 1939 the declaration of war, and now it has gone further. Now you must however out of my whole history understand me rightly. One sentence unintelligible. I said: "If the war is inevitable, then I should rather be the one to conduct it not because I thirst after this fame; on the contrary, I here gladly renounce that fame, which is in my eyes no fame at all. My fame, if Providence preserves my life, will consist in... But I think that if Providence has already disposed that I can do what must be done according to the inscrutable will of the Providence, then I can at least just ask Providence to entrust to me the burden of this war, to load it on me. I will beat it! I will shrink from no responsibility; in every hour which... I will take this burden upon me.
I will bear every responsibility, just as I have always borne them. It knows that I had endless plans in those years before the war. It sees everywhere the signs of works begun, and sometimes also the documents of completion. I know that this people trusts me. I am happy to know it. But the German people may be persuaded also of one thing, that the year 1918, as long as I live, will never return. I am glad that so many allies have joined our soldiers: in Sweden, Italy, then in the north, Finland and the many other nations which are sending their sons here to the east, too,... Rumanians and Hungarians, Slovaks, Spaniards,... Already today, a European war, and finally in the East, as a new Ally, who has already...
Cripps assured us a few days ago, in his loquacious manner, has been preparing itself for a fight with Germany. I knew that. As soon as I had become certain that there was false play going on here, in the instant that I became aware that Mr. Churchill in his secret meetings was already considering this ally, within the hour in which Molotov left Berlin, and took his leave because he had been able to come to a shrewd agreement, at that moment, it became clear to me, that this conflict was inevitable. For this, too, I thank fate, that it placed me at the head of the Reich, so that I was in a position to strike the first blow. If one must fight, then I take the stand that the first blow is the decisive one. We can only wish Japan good luck, because instead of playing around for a long time with this lying nation, it started to fight immediately. Now, our soldiers have been fighting in the East since June 22, a battle which will some day go into the chronicles of history as a hero-song of our people. He meant to drive the German U-boats out of the oceans gradually, by making new decrees of the American spheres of influence, and to limit them to a very small territory, which the British would then take care of with their naval forces.
And, my fellow country-men, that is also the reason for the regression of the number of U-boat sinkings, but not at all the number of damages or sinkings by our U-boats. On the contrary, the latter has risen greatly. Also not the lack of our occupational forces, nor the impossibility of... You will understand that it has been a vindication for myself to decide whether one should finally conclude with the whole pack of lies for the sake of peace, and to bind oneself to the new limitations... Japan has finally eliminated this necessity. Now there are U-boats on all the oceans of the world, now you will see how our submarines carry out their work, and however they may look, we are armed for everything, from North to South, from East to West. But about one thing they may be assured; as I have said before, today they are up against a different German people; now they are again up against Fredrichian people; we will fight where we stand, give no foot of ground, immediately push forward again. And we are, in fact, happy to know since yesterday that our General Rommel with his brave Italian and German panzers and men at the moment when they... That will continue to happen to them until the war has ended with our victory.
With these two forces stands a third, our air-force. Its fame is immortal. What they have accomplished in their efforts in the Arctic cold of the Far North, in the East, or in the heat of the desert, or in the West, is everywhere the same, a heroism that honors cannot glorify. There is just one thing which I must emphasize again and again; that is our infantry. And behind these forces stands a gigantic communications organization with tens of thousands of motor vehicles and railroads, and they are all going to work and will master even the hardest problems. For it is self-evident that the conversion from advance to defense in the East is not easy. It was not Russia that forced us to defense, but only 38 and 40 and 42 and sometimes 45 degrees below zero that did it. And in this cold, there, troops which are not accustomed to it cannot fight as in the red heat of the desert... But at this time, when the difficult transition was necessary, I again looked upon it as my task to take upon my shoulders the responsibility for that, too.
I wanted thereby to save my soldiers from something worse. And I want to assure them at this point, insofar as those who are on that icy front can hear me today: "I know the work you are doing. And I know also that the hardest lies behind us. Today is January 30. The winter is the big hope of the Eastern enemy. It will not fulfill this hope for him. In four months we had fought almost to Moscow and Leningrad. Four months of Northern winter are now past. They have advanced a few kilometers at individual points and have made great sacrifices in blood and human lives there.
They may be indifferent to that; but in a few weeks in the South the winter is going to break, and then the spring will move farther north, the ice will melt, and then the hour will come when the ground is again hard and firm, and when the new weapons will again flow there from our homeland, and when we shall beat them, and revenge those who now have fallen such lonely victims of the cold. For I can tell you that the soldiers at the front have the feeling of...
Однако это было лишь началом новых шантажирований1, которые постоянно повторялись с тех пор. В немецком оригинале «новых случаев давления» — «neuer Erpressungen» S. Победа в Польше, достигнутая исключительно благодаря германским войскам, побудила меня вновь обратиться к западным державам с предложением мира. Оно было отклонено благодаря интернациональным и еврейским подстрекателям к войне. Однако причина этого отказа уже тогда заключалась в том, что Англия все еще надеялась быть в состоянии создать европейскую коалицию против Германии, включая в нее Балканы и Советскую Россию. Так, в Лондоне было решено послать г.
Криппса1 послом в Москву. Ему было поручено определенное задание вновь заняться англо-советскими отношениями и развивать их в английском духе. Английская пресса сообщала об успехах этого задания, поскольку ее не заставляли молчать тактические причины. Осенью 1939 г. Приступая к военному порабощению не только Финляндии, но также и балтийских государств, Россия вдруг мотивировала эти действия в такой же мере ложным, как и смешным заявлением, что она принуждена защищать эти страны от чужой угрозы, которую она должна предупредить. Под этим могла подразумеваться только Германия. Ибо никакая другая держава не могла ни вторгнуться, ни вести войну в прибалтийских областях. И все же я должен был молчать.
Однако власть имущие в Кремле сейчас же пошли дальше. В то время, как Германия весной 1940 г. Согласно личному заявлению, данному тогда Молотовым, уже весной 1940 г. Так как русское правительство всегда утверждало, что его пригласило само население, цель его присутствия там могла быть истолкована только как демонстрация против Германии. В то время, как наши солдаты, начиная с 10 мая 1940 г. Начиная с августа 1940 г. Однако было достигнуто то, к чему стремилось англосоветское сотрудничество, а именно: ввиду концентрации такого количества германских сил на Востоке, германские власть имущие не сочли возможным предпринять радикальное завершение войны на западе, особенно в отношении воздушной борьбы. Это соответствовало, однако, целям не только английской, но также и советской политики.
Потому что Англия, равно как и Советская Россия, намерены продлить эту войну как можно дольше, с целью ослабить Европу и повергнуть ее в еще большее бессилие. Угрожающее выступление России против Румынии должно было также в конечном итоге послужить лишь тому, чтобы захватить в свои руки или же, по крайней мере, уничтожить важную опору не только германской экономической жизни, но и экономической жизни всей Европы. Однако, именно Германия, начиная с 1933 г. Мы были поэтому в высшей степени заинтересованы в их государственной консолидации и порядке. В немецком оригинале «в непосредственной близости с мощным выдвижением большевистских дивизий» «gewaltigen Kraeftaufmarsh bolschewistischer Divisionen» S, 9. В немецком оригинале «сделать их своими торговыми партнёрами» — «als Handelspartner zu gewinnen» S. Вторжение России в Румынию и переход Греции на сторону Англии грозили в короткое время превратить также и эти области в общий театр войны. Вопреки нашим принципам и обычаям, уступая настойчивой просьбе тогдашнего румынского правительства, которое было само виновато в таком развитии событий, я дал ему совет уступить настойчивым советским требованиям и отдать Бессарабию в целях сохранения мира.
Однако румынское правительство считало возможным обнаружить это перед своим народом лишь в том случае, если Германия и Италия, в виде возмещения, по крайней мере дадут гарантию, что оставшаяся часть румынского государства более не будет затронута. С тяжелым сердцем я сделал это. Прежде всего, уже потому, что если Германия дает гарантию, то это значит, что она отвечает за нее. Мы не англичане и не евреи. Таким образом, я думал в последний момент сохранить мир в этой области, даже несмотря на принятие на себя тяжелых обязательств. Однако с целью окончательно разрешить эти проблемы и установить ясность в вопросе русского отношения к Германии1, а также под давлением постоянно усиливающейся мобилизации на нашей восточной границе, я пригласил г. Молотова приехать в Берлин. Советский министр иностранных дел потребовал разрешения2 или же согласия Германии по следующим четырем вопросам; 1 Так в документе.
В немецком оригинале «русской позиции в отношении Рейха» — «russische Einstellung dem Reiche» S. В немецком оригинале «уяснения» -«Klaerung» S.
Полный текст заявления Гитлера от 22 июня 1941 года
Полный текст обращения Гитлера к немецкому народу 22 июня 1941 года | Reichstag Speech, May 21, 1935. "We recognize, with the understanding and the heartfelt friendship of true Nationalists, the Polish State as the home of a great, nationally-conscious people." "The German Reich and, in particular, the present German Government, have no other wish than to live on friendly. |
Речь гитлера на немецком языке текст | Opening Address at the Seventh National Socialist Congress. Nuremberg, September 11, 1935. FELLOW MEMBERS OF THE NATIONAL SOCIALIST PARTY: The Congress in which we are now assembled is the Seventh Congress of the National Socialist Movement. It is sixteen years since the. |
"Why We Are Antisemites" - Text of Adolf Hitler's 1920 speech at the Hofbräuhaus | Carolyn Yeager | СТАЛИН СЛУШАЕТ РЕЧЬ ГИТЛЕРА Мельников рассказывал в 1965 году в Переделкино.9 ноября 1941 года в день очередной годовщины мюнхенского пивного путча немецкое радио передавало речь Гитлера. |
"Why We Are Antisemites" - Text of Adolf Hitler's 1920 speech at the Hofbräuhaus | Hitler's 1 September 1939 Reichstag speech is a speech made by Adolf Hitler at an Extraordinary Session of the German Reichstag on 1 September 1939, the day of the German invasion of Poland. The speech served as public declaration of war against Poland and thus of the commencement of. |
Полный текст заявления Гитлера от 22 июня 1941 года: glavbuhdudin — LiveJournal | Opening Address at the Seventh National Socialist Congress. Nuremberg, September 11, 1935. FELLOW MEMBERS OF THE NATIONAL SOCIALIST PARTY: The Congress in which we are now assembled is the Seventh Congress of the National Socialist Movement. It is sixteen years since the. |
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- "Why We Are Antisemites" - Text of Adolf Hitler's 1920 speech at the Hofbräuhaus
Цитаты Гитлера на немецком
Speech on the Invasion of Czechoslovakia by Adolf Hitler (Fall Grün) | Alternative History | Fandom | 30 января 1945 г. |
Речь гитлера на немецком языке текст | Гитлер выступает во время выступления 30 января 1939 года немецкий диктатор Адольф Гитлер произнес речь в Рейхстаге, которая наиболее известна своим предсказанием о. |
Полный текст заявления Гитлера от 22 июня 1941 года | Выступление Гитлера на немецком. Гитлер 1941 речь. |
Adolf Hitler: Rede vor dem Reichstag am 1. September 1939
(русский текст внизу) Russland hat eine Rede Adolf Hitlers freigegeben, nota bene mit russischen Untertiteln versehen. Die Botschaft an die Machthaber weltweit und an die "Elite" in Amerika kann deutlicher nicht sein: Was AH damals sagte, es trifft exakt auf heute zu. Es mag traurig sein, es ist wahr. Hitler im Reichstag am 1. September 1939 Quelle: Bundesarchiv Koblenz. Цитаты Гитлера на немецком языке напоминают о трагических событиях и важности мира. Я должен заявить определённо: Германия соблюдает свои обязательства; нацменьшинства, которые проживают в Германии, не преследуются. Adolph Hitler outlines the German victory over Poland in a Reichstag speech, October 6th 1939. English translation.
Adolf Hitler - Speech (1933) | Текст песни
В связи с нападением на СССР Гитлер выступил с речью. Речи гитлера Речи гитлера на немецком языке. Тэги: гитлер, речь, 1933, берлин Канцлер Германии Адольф Гитлер в своем рабочем кабинете. Речь Гитлера в бункере перед генералами. Оригинальные немецкие субтитры без изменений, как говорят в фильме, и дословный перевод субтитров на русский язык. Выступление Гитлера на немецком. Гитлер 1941 речь. Полный текст обращения Гитлера от 22 июня 1941 года, в котором он разъяснял для немецкого народа причины нападения Германии на СССР. причем в оригинале, русский перевод с купюрами я уже. (русский текст внизу) Russland hat eine Rede Adolf Hitlers freigegeben, nota bene mit russischen Untertiteln versehen. Die Botschaft an die Machthaber weltweit und an die "Elite" in Amerika kann deutlicher nicht sein: Was AH damals sagte, es trifft exakt auf heute zu. Es mag traurig sein, es ist wahr.
Полный текст заявления Гитлера от 22 июня 1941 года
For once all the others will not bleed to death alone; for once the ancient Jewish law will come into play: an eye for an eye; a tooth for a tooth. The Bolshevist monster, to which they want to deliver the European nations, will someday tear them and their people to pieces. The Jew will not however exterminate the European peoples, rather he will be the victim of his own plot. I have also left no doubt that, if the nations of Europe are again to be regarded as mere shares to be bought and sold by those international money and finance conspirators, then that race, Jewry, which is the real guilty party in this murderous struggle, will be saddled with the responsibility. I also made it clear that this time, not only would millions of children of European Aryan races starve, not only would millions of grown men meet their death, and not only would millions of women and children be burned or bombed to death in the cities, but that the real culprit would atone for his guilt, even if by more humane means. The most fearsome example of this kind is Russia where he Jewry allowed 39 million humans in truly fanatical wildness to die or starve in inhuman agony, in order to secure the mastery of a great people for a gang of Jewish literati and stock exchange bandits. The result is not only the end of freedom for the people oppressed by the Jews, but rather also the end of these parasites of the peoples themselves. After the death of the victim, the vampire dies sooner or later.
И в то же время правители Кремля до последней минуты, как и в случаях с Финляндией и Румынией, лицемерно уверяли внешний мир в своем стремлении к миру и дружбе и составляли внешне безобидные опровержения. Если до сих пор обстоятельства вынуждали меня хранить молчание, то теперь настал момент, когда дальнейшее бездействие будет не только грехом попустительства, но и преступлением против немецкого народа и всей Европы. Сегодня на нашей границе стоят 160 русских дивизий. В последние недели имеют место непрерывные нарушения этой границы, не только нашей, но и на дальнем севере и в Румынии. Русские летчики забавляются тем, что беззаботно перелетают эту границу, словно хотят показать нам, что они уже чувствуют себя хозяевами этой территории. В ночь с 17 на 18 июня русские патрули снова вторглись на территорию рейха и были вытеснены только после длительной перестрелки. Но теперь настал час, когда необходимо выступить против этого заговора еврейско-англосаксонских поджигателей войны и тоже еврейских властителей большевистского центра в Москве. В данный момент осуществляется величайшее по своей протяженности и объему выступление войск, какое только видел мир.
В союзе с финскими товарищами стоят бойцы победителя при Нарвике у Северного Ледовитого океана. Немецкие дивизии под командой завоевателя Норвегии 1 защищают вместе с финскими героями борьбы за свободу под командованием их маршала финскую землю. От Восточной Пруссии до Карпат развернуты соединения немецкого восточного фронта. На берегах Прута и в низовьях Дуная до побережья Черного моря румынские и немецкие солдаты объединяются под командованием главы государства Антонеску. Задача этого фронта уже не защита отдельных стран, а обеспечение безопасности Европы и тем самым спасение всех. Поэтому я сегодня решил снова вложить судьбу и будущее Германского рейха и нашего народа в руки наших солдат. Да поможет нам Господь в этой борьбе! Сборники речей Гитлера, обладающих особой ценностью для историков, до сих пор не переиздаются и не переводятся.
Относительно свободно можно прочитать «Майн Кампф» — книгу весьма интересную для изучения немецких эсеров «национал-социалистов» , но написанную в 20-е годы. Равным образом можно изучать ленинизм, опираясь исключительно на дореволюционные работы Ленина. С точки зрения духа большевизма это дало бы очень много, но что касается практики построения коммунистического государства, а также вопросов текущей геополитики мы бы имели зияющую лакуну. Из анализа публикуемой речи Гитлера хорошо видно, что нападение на СССР воспринималось немцами в контексте войны с Англией, и Сталин рассматривался как английский союзник, достигшей с главным противником Германии большой степени кооперации. Однако Гитлер, ослеплённый мифологией антисемитизма созданной, в первую голову, англичанами для маскировки своей деятельности , неправильно оценил степень контроля Сталина со стороны Черчилля. Ему казалось, что СССР это примитивная еврейско-азиатская деспотия, действующая на свой страх и риск. В этом случае, серьёзное поражение и захват западных территорий заставят трусливого деспота Сталина пойти на попятный и заключить второй Брестский мир. В свою очередь и Великобритания в этой ситуации вполне может сдать заведомо ненадёжного и мало управляемого союзника.
Сталин, как генерал-резидент Георга VI не имел пространства для дипломатического манёвра и должен был сопротивляться как посаженный на цепь смертник, не считаясь ни с какими потерями. С другой стороны, Великобритания имела все возможности для самой оперативной, самой адресной и самой масштабной помощи Сталину. Всё решалось на месте и без посредников. Координация действий мало отличалась от координации Англией обороны Уэллса или Шотландии. Рузвельт считал Сталина сателлитом своего английского партнёра и выстраивал отношения с коммунистической деспотией в контексте общих отношений с Великобританией, самых тесных и доверительных. США не только смотрели сквозь пальцы на то, что значительная часть английского лендлиза перенаправляется Лондоном в Москву, но сами! Он не мог представить объёмы лендлиза и «матросовскую» степень сопротивления до этого трусливого и переменчивого Сталина. Поэтому 1941 год сменился 1942.
А 1942-ой — 1943-им. Дальше сопротивление Гитлера стало безнадёжным. Что касается кампании 1941 года, то план немцев не был авантюристическим. Он вполне адекватно учитывал и возможности Сталина и возможности Вермахта. Только Гитлер думал, что сражается на два фронта, а фронт был один.
В нашей подборке можно прочитать осмысленные и известные цитаты Гитлера на немецком языке. Некоторые из выражений очень трудны к пониманию и заставляют задуматься каждого человека. Jede Generation muss sich am Krieg beteiligen. Niemand wird den Gewinner fragen, ob er die Wahrheit gesagt hat oder nicht.
Nur ein fanatischer Mob ist leicht zu kontrollieren. Ein Blut ist ein Staat! Ein Wort war mir nie bekannt — aufgeben.
We see clearly that this war could only end with the extermination of the Germanic peoples, or that Jewry must disappear from Europe. I already said it on September 1, 1939 [sic] in the German Reichstag... For once all the others will not bleed to death alone; for once the ancient Jewish law will come into play: an eye for an eye; a tooth for a tooth. The Bolshevist monster, to which they want to deliver the European nations, will someday tear them and their people to pieces.
The Jew will not however exterminate the European peoples, rather he will be the victim of his own plot. I have also left no doubt that, if the nations of Europe are again to be regarded as mere shares to be bought and sold by those international money and finance conspirators, then that race, Jewry, which is the real guilty party in this murderous struggle, will be saddled with the responsibility. I also made it clear that this time, not only would millions of children of European Aryan races starve, not only would millions of grown men meet their death, and not only would millions of women and children be burned or bombed to death in the cities, but that the real culprit would atone for his guilt, even if by more humane means. The most fearsome example of this kind is Russia where he Jewry allowed 39 million humans in truly fanatical wildness to die or starve in inhuman agony, in order to secure the mastery of a great people for a gang of Jewish literati and stock exchange bandits.