Новости фф свонквин

Слава Свонквину. Информация о месте жительства, семейном статусе, фото и увлечениях. Автор видео: Nurik FF 24-09-2023 | | 398191 | Продолжительность: 08:8:8. Подписка на фф "Мембер + т/и" Главы выходят 2 раза в неделю: от Рейн по понедельникам, от Саи по средам. Для всех вас, замечательных фанатов SwanQueen, это отдельный фанфик. В Камелоте, пытаясь найти способ спасти Эмму из тьмы, Реджина решает признаться в чувствах, которые она.

Фанфики по фэндому «Countryhumans»

в ФФ конечно очень скучные ивенты, хотя крафт и хождение по боссам достойные. читать в Рулиб. полная версия. Сколько же я фф прочитала по свонквин.

Что бесит в фанфиках (на примерах СвонКвин фанфиков)

Majka reviews AU. Emma and Regina are not a good example of neighbours. Their hateful neighbourliness is going to be tested by a hurricane. What will the storm bring?

Find out. Written for my amazing friend RonisGirlSQ. Majka reviews Emma needed to be reminded of who she was.

She needed help. Until one night she accidentally uses her powers to contact another realm via magical mirror. The Evil Queen and The Dark Swan happen to be the receivers of that call, so they open a portal to their world.

Will Sophia be able to leave? She knows that she should be avoiding temptation, but when her parents have hired the living embodiment of it, in the form of exotic fire dancer Regina Mills, how can a girl resist? Can the jaded Regina overcome her painful past to open her heart to the innocent heiress?

Regina needs some convincing by Emma. No problem. Married SwanQueen.

They want to expand their family. A fighting tournament is coming to Boston, and they want Emma to compete. Lots of Family feels and love.

Lots of hot moments. Posting Chapters in parts. Rated M for later.

Thank you to Niki Frost for the Cover Art. A young, ambitious and talented chef finds memories of her own childhood surfacing when she meets the son of a high flying marketing executive, Regina Mills. Regina Mills, a feisty civilian, into the warzone of Freylache.

But things are never what they seem. Regina Mills has finally found romance. Regina moves out of her suburban lake house home, leaving a letter for a its new tenant, Architect Emma Swan.

They begin a correspondence of letters and soon come to realize they are meant for each other... Who better to call than Emma, who she thinks is to blame. One-shot, pure fluff.

Based on a true story. A Swan Queen Swan-Mills family fic. When Regina gets herself kicked out of Harvard and has to return to her childhood home to start her senior year at Storybrooke College, she thinks her life is over.

Only Regina and Emma can help her. Slow burn SwanQueen. The endgame of Ouat?

Redbeauty, Sleeping Warrior, Gelphie, etc.. This is a retake of the show on how I would of done it. Revamping in Progress!

I tried staying true to the film, as well with a few changes of my own, of course. I hope you all enjoy and like it as much as I am writing it. If you want more, please let me know and I will upload the rest.

Because you were their only hope? Can Emma and Regina rekindle their love before danger closes in? Or will the demons of their past prove to be to strong to overcome?

Unfortunately, the problems are still there, and one in particular is jeopardizing their marriage. This is a sequel to One More Try, but it can easily be read without reading the other. Regina Student!

Emma; G! P; Slow burn; Rated M because this will turn into a kinky and weird fanfic. Regina is the first female president about a couple of years into her presidency and is regrouping to begin re election.

What would happen when scandal hits? Everyone gets hurt! Well almost everyone.

SwanQueen, partial OQ not much though. How will the town react? How will they regain their inhibition?

Can the Evil Queen and the Dark One form a relationship that might last for the rest of their lives? In love anything is possible. With the Evil Queen in town anything and everything can go wrong.

A curse that without Mayoral help may never be rectified. Broken Curse. M from the off for language.

Unable to bear staying in the Enchanted Forest, Emma gives the White Kingdom to Snow White and takes a portal to another world with her infant son Henry. In Illinois, 1976, Trina Decker meets her new beautiful blonde neighbor and begins dreaming of strange memories from a past life...

And thus began the SwanQueen ship. The concept might seem harmless, but in all media that employs the strategy, in this case Once Upon a Time, it is taking advantage of queer audiences yet not validating them. These youth may have nowhere to turn, living in homophobic communities with little access to the outside world. Their chance of seeing someone like them may only be on television. Swan Queen […] could be the chance to show that equality, and family, comes in many different forms. Swan Queen is about a powerful, brilliant, beautiful queer woman of color finding love and happiness. Swan Queen is about the power of love to heal and to transform even the most hopeless of us.

Swan Queen is about women being passionate, erotic, and romantic with each other without apologizing for it. Swan Queen is something I can relate to and hope for in my own life. The queer character they introduced, Mulan, ends up being an unhappy, in the closet bisexual in unrequited love with a heterosexual princess. Why not let gay kids, gay teens, and gay parents aspire to a happy ending too?

And sugar? Emma slid the little collection of sugar packets over to her side of the table. Emma thought that for a Queen, she must have had one miserable life if she could get excited about a packet of sugar. Ruby took their order and flounced back to the counter, while Regina watched her.

The styles here are quite different. Do we always talk like this in front of you? This is nothing. She drowned them in half a container of syrup, and mopped up as much of the sugar as she could with her final bite.

Скоро заканчивается последний курс, и учиться приходится в два раза больше, чтобы хорошо написать дипломную работу. Вот и сейчас, она наконец-то приехала с очередного сложного учебного дня, думая только о завтрашнем выходном дне. Эмма сидела на мягком диване в гостиной и смотрела какую-то передачу по телевизору. На кухне в кастрюле варились ее любимые пельмени из ближайшей забегаловки. Неожиданно для студентки раздался громкий звонок в дверь. Эмма посмотрела на настенные часы. И удивилась. Снова оглушительный звонок в дверь отвлёк Эмму. Звонок в дверь. Перед ней стояла сногсшибательно-красивая женщина с небольшим чемоданом. У нее были темно-карие глаза, выразительная ключица, которая виднелась из под черной футболки, тонкая талия, темные волосы, не доходящие до плеч и немного подкрученные на концах. Быстро пробежав взглядом незнакомку Эмма отметила тот факт, что женщина была одета в одежду брендовые домов. Мягко говоря, женщина была одета просто роскошно. Весь вид незнакомки показывал, что она явно не среднестатистический житель России, а богатая и успешная женщина. Поэтому Эмма слегка удивилась, увидя ее на пороге своего дома. Не сказать, что она живёт в бедном районе, но все же не каждый день увидишь перед собой влиятельного человека. Конечно, сайт детально был переведен на родной ей язык, чтобы она могла спокойно исследовать его. Квартира показалась ей неплохой, покрайне мере так было написано в объявление. Конечно, фотки прилагались, но Реджина не доверяла им.

Так меня представляют! (СИ)

Арты свонквин (69 фото) Swanqueen ay Реджина и Эмма Свонквин.
Come Inside Now друзья, кидайте свои посты и вопросы в "предложить новость", опубликую в течение 3-5 суток (в порядке очереди) Не дублируйте посты!
Книга: Так меня представляют! (СИ) - (СвонКвин28) - Литвек - Скачать fb2, Отзывы, Читать онлайн Просмотрите доску «свонквин сила гет могила» пользователя кри в Pinterest.

Chto besit v fanfikah na primerah svonkvin fanfikov

And sugar? Emma slid the little collection of sugar packets over to her side of the table. Emma thought that for a Queen, she must have had one miserable life if she could get excited about a packet of sugar. Ruby took their order and flounced back to the counter, while Regina watched her. The styles here are quite different. Do we always talk like this in front of you?

This is nothing. She drowned them in half a container of syrup, and mopped up as much of the sugar as she could with her final bite.

Ranging from graphic designers to painters to cosplayers. They people an outlet of creativity that can change perspectives and bring meaning into lives that need it most.

Эмма Свон недавно устроилась на работу в Краун Эйрлайнс в качестве бортпроводника в салоне первого класса на перелет Нью-Йорк — Лондон. Реджина Миллс - бизнесвумен в буквальном смысле высокого полета с ужасными социальными навыками.

Рейс SQA016 сводит их вместе. Регина - старший партнёр одной из самых известных компаний Манхэттена и высокооплачиваемый адвокат. В её жизни всё идёт прекрасно: материальный достаток, шикарная квартира в центре мегаполиса, успех и признание. Но внезапно эту идиллию разрушает новая помощница, нагло врываясь в жизнь Миллс, меняя её полностью. Что делать, если твоё прошлое каждый день напоминает о себе? Она идет на поводу у своей подруги Кэтрин и соглашается на ряд свиданий в слепую с одним условием: Кэт найдет няню для ее сына. Няню зовут Эмма Свон. Возвращаясь домой после каждого свидания, Реджина жалуется Эмме на своего очередного кавалера.

Но со временем, Реджина понимает, что Эмма обладает всеми теми качествами, которые она хочет видеть в своем любимом человеке.. Чего желает Эмма Свон? Она пытается разными способами сблизиться с Региной. Но она нужна ей, она отличный преподаватель. Или не по этому? Одним из них становится гей-бар. Эмма и Реджина сгорают от любопытства и, независимо друг от друга, приходят к одной идее: Пробраться внутрь, предварительно тщательно замаскировавшись. А новое их знакомство станет незабываемым.

Во власти Тривии. В этом месте, сливаясь с эпохой, люди получают особые удовольствия. Главное правило - личность любого посетителя скрыта под выбранными масками римских богов.

Это гадание одно из самых любимых, которое я встречал в интернете. Оно довольно простое. Просто нужно немного сконцентрировать... Я постоянно погружаюсь в переживания о прошлых событиях, и это тормозит меня, не давая радоваться настоящему.

Вигуки/Vkook фф "На свет" часть 22 автор Professor_choi

Не фата Моргана должен был быть 21+, а этот ФФ. Новости города. Сообщить новость. Вырезанная сцена "Погоня за счастливым концом" СвонКвин ЖИВ!!Читаю ФЕМСЛЭШ ФАНФИКИЭмма&Реджина СвонКвин ЖИВ. Последние новости спорта, онлайн трансляции матчей, видео и фото материалы, календари игр и турнирные таблицы. Новости футбола, хоккея, биатлона, формулы-1 и других.


370dbcfde1ea1f282d9ed3f6bc282948cad2d99ff92767c5bcb4cba67ea06ccd. Гистограмма просмотров видео «Моя Сестра Главный Шиппер Свонквин 09.06.2016» в сравнении с последними загруженными видео. СвонКвин, SwanQueen, Эмма Свон и Реджина Миллс(Злая королева): Я СОШЛА С УМА 3:42. Welcome to my blog where I share SwanQueen prompts in hopes of inspiring fanfic writers for this ship.

ТОП-10 моих любимых СвонКвин фанфиков

Regina and Emma are together and experience adventures with Cora, since she is new to this world, is amused and terrified of some things, and likes to cause trouble. Talks of sexy times. Cora is the biggest SQ shipper ever. The ladies learn a few things about themselves and each other along the way. Slow Burn SQ.

Rating M for later chapters. What will they have to risk to be together? Smutty G! Welcome to not-so-sleepy Storybrooke; home to colorful characters, mysteries, and apparently, thieves.

With her life at the line and Emma sacrificing herself, she gets left with never-ending questions; was Emma feeling the same? Will she decide to do something about it at last? With small things and hints of unspoken sympathy being thrown at Emma, would the young blonde woman remain clueless? Pure fluff and humor.

Set after S4. They meet in completely harmless circumstances that take them on a journey that changes their lives forever, what starts out as a business transaction develops into a genuine friendship and takes them both into deep and unexpected romantic waters. Rated M for sexual situations, sort of a slow burn SQ. After such a wait, however, the goddess believes she deserves much more than just another soul in her kingdom.

Emma gets a taste of dominance and jealousy when an unexpected arrival comes to town. Sequel to Belonging to the Darkness. When mortal Emma Swan stumbles upon this town and awakens an insatiable hunger in both of them, she awakens a hunger in herself that sends her down a path of longing, betrayal, and a craving that cannot be denied. When the universe takes on the task of giving Regina a second chance at the love that was stolen from her, will she take it?

She remained to be alive forever. She was barely 19 years old. Until, Regina Mills heard a beautiful voice in the music room and wanted to find who she is. However, what will happen when their paths cross?

Also a big thanks to swanqueensails tumblr for allowing me to use part of their fanart for my cover. After two years those two cannot deny their feelings for each other, but can that forbidden relationship survive? Can these two women fight against all odds to be together? Both wearing deep scars of the past, now forced to go through a hell once more.

Rated M for future chapters. No curse, No magic. Hope the story is better than the summary, please read, review, and follow. This is a slow burn, so be prepared.

What happens when she returns with a daughter and fangs? Rated MA. Emma, living in a small town named Stotybrooke and a 28 year old cop. Regina, residing in NYC as a 30 year old lawyer.

What happens when this two meet due to a murder investigation? Will they get along? Regina Mills is her new and reluctant caretaker with a secret love for art. When Emma succumbs to the fear that she will never paint again, Regina is the only one who can bring back her hope.

Just give me your hands. Once more setting out to find the Saviour, Regina needs to persuade Emma to help her for each of their sake. She soon finds this to be no easy task as she has many unfathomable things to explain about the town Emma had once called home. Not to mention answering several tricky questions about the past.

Regina hoping to fill the quietness in her recently empty apartment, welcomes the blonde as her new roommate. Two different people, one apartment. Rated T but might change to M, ways from now. Obviously, they get drunk and well...

After one night of pure passion what will happen between the mayor and the sheriff when that night changes their lives, and their relationship, forever. Can Regina trust Emma with her biggest secret? Will be rated M for later chapters. Regina is the principal.

Their history is full of love and loss. Their future... When Regina returns after 3 years, Emma has to learn how to breathe again. All Regina wants is to redeem herself, with the love of her life hurting, her sister hating her, her best friend being indifferent about her, and a child in the mix, will she be able to?

Blanchard The Way We Fall by RhysMerilot reviews We all have our inner demons that we fight, but what happens when the past comes rushing back and life falls apart as it comes back together all at once? Alternate Universe. Slow Burn. Who is this mystery girl?

Where did she come from? Why does she look so familiar to both the savior and the mayor? Only time will tell... Emma Swan is a 28 year old friend and roommate of fellow business man Robin Locksley and works for Killian Jones.

However, when they learn of their new 2 year old daughters terrible past, which has left her terrified and unable to go home with them straight away, can they help her?

Cora is the biggest SQ shipper ever. The ladies learn a few things about themselves and each other along the way. Slow Burn SQ. Rating M for later chapters. What will they have to risk to be together? Smutty G! Welcome to not-so-sleepy Storybrooke; home to colorful characters, mysteries, and apparently, thieves. With her life at the line and Emma sacrificing herself, she gets left with never-ending questions; was Emma feeling the same? Will she decide to do something about it at last?

With small things and hints of unspoken sympathy being thrown at Emma, would the young blonde woman remain clueless? Pure fluff and humor. Set after S4. They meet in completely harmless circumstances that take them on a journey that changes their lives forever, what starts out as a business transaction develops into a genuine friendship and takes them both into deep and unexpected romantic waters. Rated M for sexual situations, sort of a slow burn SQ. After such a wait, however, the goddess believes she deserves much more than just another soul in her kingdom. Emma gets a taste of dominance and jealousy when an unexpected arrival comes to town. Sequel to Belonging to the Darkness. When mortal Emma Swan stumbles upon this town and awakens an insatiable hunger in both of them, she awakens a hunger in herself that sends her down a path of longing, betrayal, and a craving that cannot be denied. When the universe takes on the task of giving Regina a second chance at the love that was stolen from her, will she take it?

She remained to be alive forever. She was barely 19 years old. Until, Regina Mills heard a beautiful voice in the music room and wanted to find who she is. However, what will happen when their paths cross? Also a big thanks to swanqueensails tumblr for allowing me to use part of their fanart for my cover. After two years those two cannot deny their feelings for each other, but can that forbidden relationship survive? Can these two women fight against all odds to be together? Both wearing deep scars of the past, now forced to go through a hell once more. Rated M for future chapters. No curse, No magic.

Hope the story is better than the summary, please read, review, and follow. This is a slow burn, so be prepared. What happens when she returns with a daughter and fangs? Rated MA. Emma, living in a small town named Stotybrooke and a 28 year old cop. Regina, residing in NYC as a 30 year old lawyer. What happens when this two meet due to a murder investigation? Will they get along? Regina Mills is her new and reluctant caretaker with a secret love for art. When Emma succumbs to the fear that she will never paint again, Regina is the only one who can bring back her hope.

Just give me your hands. Once more setting out to find the Saviour, Regina needs to persuade Emma to help her for each of their sake. She soon finds this to be no easy task as she has many unfathomable things to explain about the town Emma had once called home. Not to mention answering several tricky questions about the past. Regina hoping to fill the quietness in her recently empty apartment, welcomes the blonde as her new roommate. Two different people, one apartment. Rated T but might change to M, ways from now. Obviously, they get drunk and well... After one night of pure passion what will happen between the mayor and the sheriff when that night changes their lives, and their relationship, forever. Can Regina trust Emma with her biggest secret?

Will be rated M for later chapters. Regina is the principal. Their history is full of love and loss. Their future... When Regina returns after 3 years, Emma has to learn how to breathe again. All Regina wants is to redeem herself, with the love of her life hurting, her sister hating her, her best friend being indifferent about her, and a child in the mix, will she be able to? Blanchard The Way We Fall by RhysMerilot reviews We all have our inner demons that we fight, but what happens when the past comes rushing back and life falls apart as it comes back together all at once? Alternate Universe. Slow Burn. Who is this mystery girl?

Where did she come from? Why does she look so familiar to both the savior and the mayor? Only time will tell... Emma Swan is a 28 year old friend and roommate of fellow business man Robin Locksley and works for Killian Jones. However, when they learn of their new 2 year old daughters terrible past, which has left her terrified and unable to go home with them straight away, can they help her? But, the curse was never cast. Six years later the Queen seeks to retrieve the child, instead enter Emma Swan age 24, who intrigues Regina enough to make her an offer- become her slave for a year in exchange for a trip home.

Но забыть - нет. О проблеме автоматически сообщили администраторам. Если же это продолжается в течении длительного периода, пожалуйста, обратитесь с коротким описанием проблемы в support ru. Неизвестная ошибка.

Когда-то и я была такой. Я не понимала, как вообще такое возможно. Думала, что это не правильно. Лана Паррия как-то сказала в одном интервью: отношение к ЛГБТ зависит от воспитания и людей, которые тебя окружают. Я с детства к этому привыкла, поэтому для меня это нормально. Меня окружали одни гомофобы, поэтому я и сама была такой.

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